Order CRTC 2000-1158
Ottawa, 19 December 2000
Approval of Bell Canada's proposal to withdraw central office code administration tariffs reaffirmed
Reference: Tariff Notice 6449
The Commission's approval of Bell Canada's proposal to withdraw its central office code administration tariffs has been considered on a de novo basis and is reaffirmed.
In Order CRTC 2000-193, dated 14 March 2000, the Commission approved Bell Canada's proposal to withdraw the company's central office code administration tariffs.
Rogers Wireless Inc. intervened submitting that Bell Canada should only be allowed to discontinue its performance of the functions identified in TN 6449 if Bell Canada is prepared to provide information required by the Canadian Number Administrator such that the CNA can effectively undertake these functions on an ongoing basis.
The Commission notes that, effective October 1999, the Sciences Application International Corporation has been established as the neutral central office code administrator in Canada. Procedures for a competitive local exchange carrier to obtain central office codes directly from this CNA were developed by an industry committee. The Commission approved the resultant Canadian central office code administration guidelines. This supersedes the telephone companies' Carrier Access Tariffs. The above TN was filed to withdraw these tariff items.
The Commission notes that the procedures which Rogers is concerned about are addressed in the Canadian central office code administration guidelines.
Accordingly, the Commission approves Bell Canada's TN 6449 on a de novo basis.
Secretary General
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