Order CRTC 2000-1101
Ottawa, 4 December 2000
Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. Tariff Notice 9
Extended toll-free calling area
On 14 September 2000, Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. filed, for Commission approval, an application proposing extended toll-free calling for its Inwood and Watford exchanges.
Brooke proposed to: a) extend toll-free calling (i.e., extended area service or EAS) to London for customers of its Inwood exchange and to Forest and Arkona for customers of its Watford exchange; and b) reduce its contribution requirement equal to the amount of revenue which would have been generated had a local rate increase been implemented to cover the lost contribution resulting from the extended toll-free calling area.
Regarding the EAS request, the Commission notes that the 60% community of interest (COI) level established for the independent telephone companies in Telecom Decision CRTC 96-6 has not been met between the Watford and Arkona exchanges. Consequently, the Commission denies Brooke's request to extend toll-free calling to Arkona for customers of its Watford exchange. However, the Commission invites Brooke to reapply should this COI level be met in the future.
Although the cost of an EAS request is typically recovered through a rate increase borne by subscribers within the affected areas, the Commission considers Brooke's request to effect a reduction to its contribution requirement in its place as acceptable. Allowing Brooke this flexibility will assist the company in achieving the maximum 25% contribution requirement to total revenue requirement established by the CRTC for the independent telephone companies in Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5.
Secretary General
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