ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-107

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Order CRTC 2000-107

Ottawa, 9 February 2000
On 2 June 1999, the Commission received an application from Hurontario Telephones Limited (Hurontario) to establish the general guidelines for the installation, movement, rearrangement, and repair of inside wire and jacks and the associated rates and charges.
File No.: Tariff Notice 19


In BC TEL and Bell Canada – Transfer of Inside Wire to Premises Owners and Introduction of Lineguard Service, Telecom Decision CRTC 94-2, 2 February 1994, the Commission stated that proposals such as these would permit competitive entry into the inside wire installation and maintenance/repair services market.


The Commission considers Hurontario's proposal to be appropriate.


In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that the proposed tariff revisions, filed under Tariff Notices 19 and 19A, become effective on 1 June 2000.


The Commission directs Hurontario to: 

(a) make available, within 60 days of the issuance of this order, a wiring guide providing subscribers with specifications for the installation of inside wiring from the demarcation point up to and including telephone jacks, including any references to relevant building codes or industry standards. The guide is to provide sufficient descriptive detail to permit a subscriber to safely install typical inside wiring; 

(b) notify subscribers of this order within 60 days via a billing insert/letter; 

(c) transfer any terminal equipment assets to its competitive terminal category and update its Phase III manuals.


The Commission notes that Hurontario is to submit, for Commission review, the content of the billing insert/letter to be sent to subscribers. The letter is to state clearly that: 

(a) as of the date of the letter, the company will make the wiring guide available to subscribers upon request; 

(b) Hurontario will install, extend, move or repair inside wire, at the tariffed rates in effect as of the date of this order, for subscribers who so request prior to 1 June 2000, even if the work is not completed until a later date; and 

(c) effective 1 June 2000, subscribers will be responsible for and have authority over inside wiring, whether installed by Hurontario, a landlord or the subscriber, and may either do any installation or repair work themselves or have it performed by Hurontario or a contractor.

Secretary General
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