ARCHIVED - Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2000-3
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Ottawa, 19 April 2000 |
The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 27 June 2000, at the Holiday Inn Select, 99 Viger Avenue West, Montréal, Quebec to consider the following: |
1. |
Astral Television Networks Inc. | Across Canada |
2. |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada, Télé-Québec, BCE Média Inc., La Sept Arte and/et l’Équipe Spectra | Across Canada |
3. |
CHUM Limited/CHUM limitée and/et Astral Média Inc. | Across Canada |
4. |
Maritime Tel & Tel Ltd. (MTT) | Halifax Regional Municipality (Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford andSackville, NS |
5. |
Dewis Cable Incorporated | Kennetcook, NS |
6. |
Joy FM Network Inc. | Fredericton, NB |
7. |
Radiomutuel inc. | Chicoutimi, QC |
8. |
Télécâble Blouin inc. | Grand-Remous andQuyon, QC |
9. |
Société Minière Raglan du Québec | Katinniq (Raglan Mine), QC |
10. |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée | La Pocatière and vicinity, QC |
11. |
TQS Inc. | Montréal, Rimouski and Québec, QC |
12. |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée | Saint-Cyrille-de-l’Islet, QC |
13. |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée | Saint-Damase-de-l’Islet, QC |
14. |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée | Saint-Perpétue/Tourville, QC |
15. |
9079-3670 Québec Inc. | Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce, QC |
16. |
Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi comté Johnson | Windsor, QC |
17. |
Brad Mason | Cypress Hills Provincial Park |
18. |
Brad Mason | Junction of the Trans-Canada Highway/Jonction de la route transcanadienne and |
19. |
Kootenay Co-operative Radio | Nelson, BC/(C-B) |
Application (200005092) by ASTRAL TELEVISION NETWORKS INC., 2100 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Montréal, Quebec, H3H 2T3. The applicant wishes to acquire the assets of the programming undertaking (pay television) Super Écran currently held by Les Chaînes Télé Astral inc. The applicant is also requesting a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking. | |
The Commission notes that this application will not change in any way the effective control of Super Écran, because Les Chaînes Télé Astral inc. is presently entirely held by Astral Television Networks Inc. and ultimately by Astral Communications inc. | |
Examination of application: | |
Les Chaînes Télé Astral inc. 2100 Sainte-Catherine Street West Suite 800 Montréal, Quebec |
Application (200006743) by the CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION, TÉLÉ-QUÉBEC, BCE MÉDIA INC., LA SEPT ARTE AND L’ÉQUIPE SPECTRA, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language national programming undertaking (television specialty service) to be distributed via satellite to broadcasting distribution undertakings. The service would provide programming devoted to the arts and culture and would be known as "Télé des arts ". | |
The applicant proposes a service to be carried in francophone markets by cable distributors on an analog discretionary tier, and in anglophone markets by DTH and MDS distribution undertakings and cable undertakings in digital mode. The applicant also requests modified dual status for cable undertakings in francophone markets who want to carry it on the basic service. | |
The applicant proposes a wholesale rate for cable distribution in francophone markets based on a sliding scale keyed to penetration, with a monthly rate of $0.80 per subscriber assuming 60% penetration. The rate proposed for DTH distribution is also $0.80 per month. | |
In anglophone markets, the applicant proposes that the service be distributed on cable as a Category 1 specialty service or on equivalent conditions. The applicant estimates that about 5% of digital cable subscribers will subscribe to the service at a monthly rate of $0.25. | |
Examination of application: | |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1400 René-Lévesque Boulevard East Montréal, Quebec H2L 2M2 |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 250 University Avenue Moncton, New Brunswick |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2505 Laurier Boulevard Sainte-Foy, Quebec |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 250 Lanark Avenue Ottawa, Ontario |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 541 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2440 Broad Street Regina, Saskatchewan |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 8861 75th Street Edmonton, Alberta |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 700 Hamilton Street Vancouver, British Columbia |
Abitibi-Témiscamingue 689, 3rd Avenue Val d’Or, Quebec |
Bas-Saint-Laurent 79 de l’Évêché Street East Rimouski, Quebec |
Côte-Nord 410 Évangéline Street Sept-Îles, Quebec |
Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine 440 Perron Boulevard Carleton, Quebec |
Mauricie-Bois-Francs 1350 Royale Street Suite 100 Trois-Rivières, Quebec |
Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean 3788 de la Fabrique Street Pavillon Joseph-Angers Jonquière, Quebec |
Estrie 1650 King Street West Suite OM-20 Sherbrooke, Quebec |
Application (200006751) by CHUM LIMITED AND ASTRAL MÉDIA INC., on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language national programming undertaking (television specialty service) to be distributed via satellite to broadcasting distribution undertakings. The service would provide programming devoted to the arts and to culture and would be known as "Rendez-vous des artistes". | |
The applicant proposes to be distributed on an unscrambled analog tier by cable distribution undertakings serving francophone markets. The applicant proposes rates that vary based on analog tier market penetration, and estimates that the rate would be $0.49 per subscriber. The applicant proposes a rate of $0.25 per subscriber for francophone analog basic service. The rate for francophone digital service for undertakings with no available analog channels would be $0.75. In the National Capital Region, the plan calls for distribution on an analog tier at a reduced rate of $0.19 per subscriber. The rates charged to DTH distribution undertakings would also be based on market penetration. | |
The applicant proposes digital distribution in anglophone markets by cable undertakings on a francophone digital tier. The rate would be $0.50 for digital cable subscribers and for DTH subscribers. | |
Examination of application: | |
CHUM Limited CHUMCity Building 299 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z5 |
Application (199918223) by MARITIME TEL & TEL LIMITED (MTT), 1505 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2W3. The applicant is requesting a broadcasting licence for a cable distribution undertaking in the Halifax regional municipality (Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Sackville). | |
The applicant proposes to distribute, as part of the basic service, the priority stations CBHT (CBC), CBHFT (SRC), CJCH-TV (CTV) Halifax and CIHF-TV (Global) Dartmouth; the network services of ASN, TVA, TQS, TFO, APTN, CPAC, several French- and English-language Canadian specialty services; the "4+1" U.S. network services (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and FOX); and all local radio services. | |
MTT also proposes to distribute several French- and English-language Canadian pay-per-view and pay television services on a discretionary basis. The complete list of services is included in the application as Appendix "A". | |
MTT, at this time, will not be offering a channel for local expression. 5% of gross revenues derived from broadcasting activities will be directed to eligible Canadian funds as outlined in Public Notice CRTC 1997-98. | |
The Commission will also be considering the implications of MTT's application under the Telecommunications Act. Issues to be addressed include accounting, costing and service bundling considerations, as well as the appropriate regulatory treatment for MTT's proposed interactive alphanumeric channel listing service. | |
Examination of application: | |
MTT Sho & Tel 5523 Spring Garden Road Halifax, Nova Scotia |
5. | KENNETCOOK, Nova Scotia |
Application (200005240) by DEWIS CABLE INCORPORATED, P.O. Box 843, Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N 5G6. | |
The applicant wishes to acquire the assets of the radiocommunication distribution undertaking (subscription television) currently held by Kennetcook CableVision Limited. The applicant is also requesting a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking. | |
The applicant also wishes to add a transmitter for the distribution, in encrypted mode, of WTBS Atlanta and to delete CHCH-TV (IND) Hamilton, Ontario. | |
The Commission notes that for the distribution of all of its services, the licensee will use the currently authorized channels. | |
Examination of application: | |
Dewis Cable Incorporated 32 Lower Truro Road Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5G6 |
6. | FREDERICTON, New Brunswick |
Application (200000498) by JOY FM NETWORK INC., P.O. Box 3084, Station B, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3A 5G9, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Fredericton. The new station would operate on frequency 104.5 MHz (channel 283LP) with an effective radiated power of 50 watts. | |
The station would operate in the Specialty format. A minimum of 80% of the music would be drawn from subcategory 35, non-classic religious. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. | |
Examination of application: | |
36 Foster Street Fredericton, New Brunswick |
7. | CHICOUTIMI, Quebec |
Application (199917639) by RADIOMUTUEL INC., 1717 René-Lévesque Boulevard East, Suite 405, Montréal, Quebec, H2L 4T9: | |
a) to renew the broadcasting licence of the radio programming undertaking CKRS Chicoutimi expiring 31 August 2000; and | |
b) to replace the condition of licence concerning the industry's code on gender portrayal by a suspensive condition, meaning that the application of the condition would be suspended, so long as the licensee remains a member in good standing of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. | |
The licensee also requests the removal: | |
a) of the condition of licence presently in effect requiring the licensee to abide by the "Radiomutuel Policy on Content"; and | |
b) of the Commission's expectation that Radiomutuel inform it as soon as possible of any legal action against CKRS or any judgment or out-of-court settlement resulting from legal action against CKRS or CKRS program hosts relating to on-air comments and that Radiomutuel provide a copy of the Radiomutuel Policy to the CKRS program hosts and to any person who requests it. | |
The Commission notes the apparent failure of the licensee to comply with subsection 2.2(5) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 concerning the broadcast of French-language vocal music. | |
The Commission expects the licensee to show cause at this hearing why a mandatory order should not be issued requiring the licensee to comply with subsection 2.2(5) of the Radio Regulations, 1986. | |
Examination of application: | |
121 Racine Street East Chicoutimi |
Applications (200004797, 200004805) by TÉLÉCÂBLE BLOUIN INC. The applicant wishes to acquire the assets of the cable distribution undertakings serving the above-mentioned localities. The applicant is also requesting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings, upon surrender of the current licences issued to 9033-4111 Quebec inc. and 3152286 Canada inc. | |
Examination of applications: | |
Télécâble Blouin inc. 432 Mercier Street Mont-Laurier, Quebec J9L 2W1 |
Town Hall 1508 Trans-Canada Highway Grand-Remous, Quebec |
Town Hall 2024 Highway 148 Luskville (Pontiac), Quebec |
Application (200005315) by MARYANN VAN WALLEGHEM, 487 Cedarpark Drive South West, Calgary, Alberta, T2W 2J8, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radiocommunication distribution undertaking at Katinniq (Raglan Mine), to distribute in non-encrypted mode, using one radio transmitter operating on frequency 88.5 MHz (channel 203) with an effective radiated power of 100 watts, the programming of CITE-FM Montréal, Quebec. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. | |
Examination of application: | |
Uncle Gabes Building Fort Smith, Northwest Territories |
Application (200006355) by VIDÉOTRON (RDL) LTÉE to exclude from the authorized service area, the areas of Sainte-Perpétue/Tourville, Saint-Damase-de-l’Islet and Saint-Cyrille-de-l’Islet. | |
The licensee has requested three separate licences allowing it to continue operating in these three localities. These applications are also scheduled at this public hearing. | |
Examination of application: | |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée 300 Viger Avenue East Montréal, Quebec H2X 3W4 |
407 Desrochers Street La Pocatière, Quebec |
Applications (200005381, 200005399, 200005414) by TQS INC.: | |
a) to renew the broadcasting licences of the television programming undertakings CFJP-TV Montréal and its transmitter CJPC-TV Rimouski, CFAP-TV Quebec City, as well as the licence for the French-language television network expiring on 31 August 2001; | |
b) to delete the following condition of licence related to independent production expenditures, imposed in 1997, at the time of the transfer of TQS to Quebecor: | |
" that each year the licensee spend at least $8.6 million from its total programming budget on programming produced by Canadian independent producers, excluding undertakings directly or indirectly related to shareholders of the licensee"; | |
c) to amend its commitment, taken at the time of the transfer, to always make significant use of the independent production sector, as follows: | |
TQS commits to maintain its involvement with the independent production sector and that it plays a leadership role within the economic and financial realities of the network; and | |
d) to be relieved of the requirement of the policy on closed captioning requiring that all local news and at least 90% of the programming during a broadcasting day be closed captioned. The applicant proposes a level of closed captioning of 30% the first year, with an increase to 75% the seventh year upon the development of the technology which allows such a level and that it is financially viable. | |
Examination of applications: | |
TQS inc. 612 Saint-Jacques Street Suite 200 Montréal, Quebec H3C 5R1 |
500 Bouvier Street Quebec City, Quebec |
Office of the Town Clerk City Hall 205 de la Cathédrale Avenue Rimouski, Quebec |
Application (200006504) by VIDÉOTRON (RDL) LTÉE. The applicant is requesting a broadcasting licence for a cable distribution undertaking in Saint-Cyrille-de-l’Islet. | |
At the present time this community is part of the authorized service area of the undertaking serving La Pocatière and vicinity. The licensee now requests a separate licence. | |
The applicant proposes to charge a basic monthly fee of $26.75 for the basic service. For Class 3 licensees, the basic monthly fee is not regulated pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that acceptable technical documentation has been filed with the Department. | |
Examination of application: | |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée 300 Viger Avenue East Montréal, Quebec H2X 3W4 |
256 Principale Street Saint-Cyrille-de-l’Islet, Quebec |
Application (200006496) by VIDÉOTRON (RDL) LTÉE. The applicant is requesting a broadcasting licence for a cable distribution undertaking in Saint-Damase-de-l’Islet. | |
At the present time this community is part of the authorized service area of the undertaking serving La Pocatière and vicinity. The licensee now requests a separate licence. | |
The applicant proposes to charge a basic monthly fee of $25.90 for the basic service. For Class 3 licensees, the basic monthly fee is not regulated pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that acceptable technical documentation has been filed with the Department. | |
Examination of application: | |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée 300 Viger Avenue East Montréal, Quebec H2X 3W4 |
4 Principale Street Saint-Damase-de-l’Islet, Quebec |
Application (200006511) by VIDÉOTRON (RDL) LTÉE. The applicant is requesting a broadcasting licence for a cable distribution undertaking in Sainte-Perpétue/Tourville. | |
At the present time this community is part of the authorized service area of the undertaking serving La Pocatière and vicinity. The licensee now requests a separate licence. | |
The applicant proposes to charge a basic monthly fee of $18.36 for the basic service. For Class 3 licensees, the basic monthly fee is not regulated pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that acceptable technical documentation has been filed with the Department. | |
Examination of application: | |
Vidéotron (RDL) ltée 300 Viger Avenue East Montréal, Quebec H2X 3W4 |
4 de l’Église Street Sainte-Perpétue, Quebec |
Application (200004771) by 9079-3670 QUÉBEC INC. The applicant wishes to acquire the assets of the radio programming undertaking CHEQ-FM Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce. The applicant is also requesting a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking, upon surrender of the current licence issued to Gestion Overtime inc., under the same terms and conditions as the current licence. | |
Examination of application: | |
9079-3670 Québec inc. 1068 Vachon Boulevard North Suite 101 Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce, Quebec G6E 1M6 |
16 | WINDSOR, Quebec |
Application (200001959) by the CARREFOUR JEUNESSE EMPLOI COMTÉ JOHNSON, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language FM (type B) community radio programming undertaking at Windsor. The new station would operate on frequency 92.9 MHz (channel 225LP) with an effective radiated power of 35 watts. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. | |
Examination of application: | |
Carrefour jeunesse emploi comté Johnson 207 St-Georges Street Windsor, Quebec J1S 1K3 |
Application (199916285) by BRAD MASON, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Box 850, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, S0N 1N0, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language low-power FM radio programming undertaking at Cypress Hills Provincial Park. The new station would operate on frequency 103.7 MHz (channel 279LP) with an effective radiated power of 47 watts. | |
The applicant will broadcast recorded messages promoting tourist attractions including recreation, cultural and educational activities at Cypress Hills Provincial Park as well as safety and public service notices. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. | |
Examination of application: | |
Administration Office Cypress Hills Provincial Park Saskatchewan |
Application (199916293) by BRAD MASON, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Box 850, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, S0N 1N0, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language low-power FM radio programming undertaking at the junction of the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 21. The new station would operate on frequency 103.5 MHz (channel 278 LP) with an effective radiated power of 39 watts. | |
The applicant will broadcast recorded messages promoting tourist attractions including recreation, cultural and educational activities at or near Cypress Hills Provincial Park. | |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. | |
Examination of application: | |
Administration Office Cypress Hills Provincial Park Saskatchewan |
19 | NELSON, British Columbia |
Application (199918489) by KOOTENAY CO-OPERATIVE RADIO, Box 767, Nelson, British Columbia, V1L 5R4, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM community, type B radio programming undertaking at Nelson. The new station would operate on frequency 93.5 MHz (channel 228A1) with an effective radiated power of 70 watts. | |
Examination of application: | |
Municipal Library 602 Stanley Street Nelson, British Columbia |
Intervention | |
- submit your original written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission (CRTC, Ottawa, K1A 0N2). A true copy MUST be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the original intervention sent to the Commission. | |
Please note that you may also file your interventions by Electronic Mail | |
- the intervention may be filed with the Commission by electronic mail at the following e-mail address: and should indicate if a true copy has been sent to the applicant. Each paragraph of the document should be numbered. In addition, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of each document; | |
- please note, that only the documents (applications and interventions) electronically filed will be available on the Commission’s web site. You will be able to access these documents by indicating the public notice or the notice of public hearing number; | |
- the intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant ON OR BEFORE the deadline date indicated below. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays; | |
- one may also communicate with the Commission: - by telecopier: (819) 994-0218 |
- your intervention must clearly identify the application. It must also include clear indication of whether you support or oppose the application, or, if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds therefor. In the event that the subject application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and should you wish to appear, your intervention must include a request to do so, preferably in the first paragraph of your letter, together with reasons as to why your written submission is not sufficient and why your appearance is necessary. The Commission will inform interveners whether their requests to appear are granted. All written interventions are considered by the Commission when it makes its decisions. | |
To ensure the effective use of public hearing time, and consistent with the Commission’s practice in similar proceedings, it may group the appearance of various interveners to particular applications at the same time. | |
Copy of any intervention filed to application(s) by the CBC must be sent to: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation c/o Director, Regulatory Affairs 250 Lanark Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 6R5 Telecopier: (613) 724-5668 |
Documents are available at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved in this hearing or, upon request, within 48 hours delay, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres. | |
Central Building Les Terrasses de la Chaudière 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A ON2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 FAX: (819) 994-0218 |
Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 FAX: (902) 426-2721 |
405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 FAX: (514) 283-3689 |
55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 FAX: (416) 954-6343 |
Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD: 983-8274 FAX: (204) 983-6317 |
Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 FAX: (306) 780-3319 |
Scotia Place Tower Two 19th Floor, Suite 1909 10060 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3R8 Tel: (780) 495-3224 FAX: (780) 495-3214 |
530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD: 666-0778 FAX: (604) 666-8322 |
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: | |
Secretary General |
- Date modified: