ARCHIVED - Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2000-2

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Also See: 2000-2-1, 2000-2-2, 2000-2-3

Ottawa, 3 March 2000



9 MAY 2000, 9:00 A.M.

The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 9 May 2000, at the Holiday Inn Kingston-Waterfront, 1 Princess Street, Kingston, Ontario, to consider the following:

1 World Television Network / Le Réseau
Télémonde Inc. (WTM/RTM)
L’Ensemble du Canada
L’ensemble du Canada / Across Canada
2 Tri-Co Broadcasting Limited Cornwall,Ontario
3 Affinity Radio Group Inc. Kingston, Ontario
4 CHUM Limited Kingston, Ontario
5 McColman Media Inc. Kingston, Ontario
6 Power Broadcasting Inc./Diffusion Power inc. Kingston, Ontario
7 John P. Wright Kingston, Ontario
8 Joel Virtanen and/et Roger de Brabant
New Liskeard, Ontario
North Bay, Ontario
9 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation / Société Radio-Canada Sudbury, Ontario
10 Tri-Tel Communications Inc. Timmins, Ontario
11 Télécâble Provincial inc. La Pêche and Hull-West / Hull-Ouest, etc., Québec
12 Yves Sauvé Saint-Nicolas, Québec
13 Fabrique de la Paroisse de Saint-Paul de Scotstown, Québec



Application (199618154) by WORLD TELEVISION NETWORK/LE RÉSEAU TÉLÉMONDE INC. (WTM). WTM is applying for a licence for a national specialty programming service dedicated to providing news, public affairs, film and entertainment programming from around the world. WTM is requesting that the service be given dual status carriage on an analog basis (the right to be carried as part of the basic service except where WTM and the distributor agree to discretionary distribution), with a wholesale rate of $0.30 per subscriber.

The proposed service would broadcast in English and other languages with English subtitles. WTM proposes that, in its third year, the service would begin also broadcasting in French and other languages with French subtitles.
The applicant proposes a minimum of 40% Canadian programming in the first year, rising to a minimum of 60% in Year 5, 6 and 7 of the licence term.

Examination of application:

World Television Network/Le Réseau
Télémonde Inc. Canada
890 Caledonia Road
Toronto, Ontario
M6B 3Y1

475 Windmill Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Montréal, Quebec

299 Nairn Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba

10104 – 103 Avenue
Suite 1601
Edmonton, Alberta

3680 East Hastings Street
Suite 302
Vancouver, British Columbia



2. CORNWALL, Ontario

Application (199912200) by TRI-CO BROADCASTING LIMITED for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language AM radio programming undertaking at Cornwall. The new station would operate on frequency 1220 kHz with a transmitter power of 1,000 watts.

The applicant is proposing a "Nostalgia" music format directed to an audience aged 45 years and older.

Tri-Co Broadcasting Limited currently operates radio stations CFLG-FM and CJSS-FM in the Cornwall market.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:
Tri-Co Broadcasting Limited
237 Water Street
Cornwall, Ontario
K6H 5V1


3. KINGSTON, Ontario

Application (199911433) by AFFINITY RADIO GROUP INC., CHAM Center, 151 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 3M2, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Kingston. The new station would operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289B) with an effective radiated power of 5,000 watts.

The applicant is proposing a Classic rock music format.

The Commission notes that this application is technically mutually exclusive with other applications which are also scheduled at this hearing for the use of the 105.7 MHz frequency.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Kingston City Hall
Attention: Sheila Birrell, City Clerk
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, Ontario


4. KINGSTON, Ontario

Application (199911350) by CHUM LIMITED, 1331 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1Y1, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Kingston. The new station would operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289B) with an effective radiated power of 26,600 watts.

The applicant is proposing a Soft Adult Contemporary music format.

The Commission notes that this application is technically mutually exclusive with other applications which are also scheduled at this hearing for the use of the 105.7 MHz frequency.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:
99 Brock Street
Kingston, Ontario


5. KINGSTON, Ontario

Application (199902838) by McCOLMAN MEDIA INC., on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Kingston. The new station would operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289A) with an effective radiated power of 4,000 watts.

The applicant proposes to operate a Soft Adult Contemporary music format.
The Commission notes that this application is technically mutually exclusive with other applications which are also scheduled at this hearing for the use of the 105.7 MHz frequency.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Examination of application:
644 Norris Court
Kingston, Ontario
K7P 2R9


6. KINGSTON, Ontario

Application (199911376) by POWER BROADCASTING INC., 751 Victoria Square, Montréal, Quebec, H2Y 2J3, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Kingston. The new station would operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289C1) with an effective radiated power of 15,740 watts.

The proposed station would provide a New Rock format, featuring predominantly new Canadian and international music of various rock genres.

The Commission notes that this application is technically mutually exclusive with other applications which are also scheduled at this hearing for the use of the 105.7 MHz frequency.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Please note that applications by four numbered companies, which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Corus Entertainment Inc. (Corus), to acquire from Power Broadcasting Inc. (Power) et Télévision de la Baie des Chaleurs inc. (la Baie) all their radio and television broadcasting assets in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, have been considered at the 21 February 2000 Public Hearing in Vancouver, British Columbia. (Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 1999-13).

The applicant has indicated that if, as a result of this application, a licence is granted to Power, an application will be filed forthwith to transfer authority to Corus. Power and la Baie are directly and indirectly controlled by Paul Desmarais via Power Corporation of Canada.

Corus is a publicly traded company operating in broadcasting. Corus is controlled by JR Shaw through a voting trust arrangement which confers the voting right to JR Shaw who also controls the second largest broadcast distributor in Canada.

Examination of application:

Power Broadcasting Inc.
479 Counter Street
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 7J3


7. KINGSTON, Ontario

Application (199911368) by JOHN P. WRIGHT, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, 55 Colin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5P 2B8, for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Kingston. The new station would operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289B) with an effective radiated power of 24,000 watts.

The applicant is proposing a Rock format aimed at the 18-44 demographic group.

The Commission notes that this application is technically mutually exclusive with other applications which are also scheduled at this hearing for the use of the 105.7 MHz frequency.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little, Bonham
259 Kingston Street East
Kingston, Ontario

8. NEW LISKEARD, Ontario

Application (199913976) by JOEL VIRTANEN AND ROGER DE BRABANT, on behalf of a company to be incorporated and to be known as JR RADIO, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a low power English-language FM radio programming undertaking at New Liskeard. The new station would operate on frequency 103.5 MHz (channel 278LP) with an effective radiated power of 37 watts.

The applicant is proposing a Country music format.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Lloyd Richards Moving
63 Scott Street
New Liskeard, Ontario


9. NORTH BAY, Ontario

Application (199912019) by JOEL VIRTANEN AND ROGER DE BRABANT, on behalf of a company to be incorporated and to be known as JR RADIO, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a low power English-language FM radio programming undertaking at North Bay. The new station would operate on frequency 98.3 MHz (channel 252LP) with an effective radiated power of 50 watts.

The applicant is proposing a Country music format.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

52-345 Mulligan Avenue
North Bay, Ontario


10.SUDBURY, Ontario

Application (199916235) by the CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION for a broadcasting licence to carry on an English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Sudbury. The new station would operate on frequency 90.1 MHz (channel 211B) with an effective radiated power of 50,000 watts.

The Corporation plans to provide listeners with the Radio Two network service and broadcast one hour a week of local programming in Sudbury, consisting mostly of local information and station identification.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

15 MacKenzie Street
Sudbury, Ontario


11.SUDBURY, Ontario

Application (199916243) by the CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language FM radio programming undertaking at Sudbury. The new station would operate on frequency 90.9 MHz (channel 215B) with an effective radiated power of 50,000 watts.

The station would broadcast a minimum of 20 minutes of local programming as well as programming originating from La Chaîne culturelle network service (CBFX-FM Montréal).
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

15 MacKenzie Street
Sudbury, Ontario

12.TIMMINS, Ontario

Application (199912903) by TRI-TEL COMMUNICATIONS INC. for a broadcasting licence to carry on a low power English-language FM radio programming undertaking at Timmins. The new station would operate on frequency 94.3 MHz (channel 232LP) with an effective radiated power of 50 watts.

The applicant is proposing an All Hits music service.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Tri-Tel Communications Inc.
175 Essex
Iroquois Falls, Ontario
P0K 1G0



Application (199918140) by TÉLÉCÂBLE PROVINCIAL INC., 3055 Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard, Suite 222, Quebec City, Quebec, G1P 4C6. The applicant seeks to acquire the assets of the cable distribution undertaking serving the above-mentioned localities. It also seeks to obtain a broadcasting licence to continue to serve the above-mentioned localities, upon surrender of the current licence issued to Câblevision Gatineauval inc.

Examination of application:

Town Office
100 Old Chelsea Road
Chelsea, Quebec



Application (199911897) by YVES SAUVÉ, on behalf of a company to be incorporated and to be known as Société Radio St-Laurent, 300 François Leber, La Prairie, Quebec, J5R 5L9, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language AM radio programming undertaking at Saint-Nicolas. The new station would operate on frequency 1060 kHz (Class B) with a transmitter power of 10,000 watts day and night.

The applicant is proposing a Country music format.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Town Hall
1240 Filteau Road
Saint-Nicolas, Quebec


15.SCOTSTOWN, Quebec

Application (199916029) by the FABRIQUE DE LA PAROISSE DE SAINT-PAUL DE SCOTSTOWN for a broadcasting licence to carry on a low power French-language religious FM radio programming undertaking at Scotstown. The new station would operate on frequency 103.7 MHz (channel 279LP) with an effective radiated power of 0.8 watts.

The station would broadcast 2 hours per week of religious programming consisting of masses, marriages, funerals, baptisms and other similar religious celebrations. The station would not solicit nor broadcast advertising.

The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.

Examination of application:

Fabrique de la Paroisse de Saint-Paul
de Scotstown
53 Ditton Street
Scotstown, Quebec
J0B 3B0







- submit your original written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission (CRTC, Ottawa, K1A 0N2). A true copy MUST be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the original intervention sent to the Commission.

Please note that you may also file your interventions by Electronic Mail

- the intervention may be filed with the Commission by electronic mail at the following e-mail address: and should indicate if a true copy has been sent to the applicant. Each paragraph of the document should be numbered. In addition, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of each document;

- please note, that only the documents (applications and interventions) electronically filed will be available on the Commission’s web site. You will be able to access these documents by indicating the public notice or the notice of public hearing number;

- the intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant ON OR BEFORE the deadline date indicated below. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays;

- one may also communicate with the Commission:
- by telecopier: (819) 994-0218

- your intervention must clearly identify the application. It must also include clear indication of whether you support or oppose the application, or, if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds therefor. In the event that the subject application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and should you wish to appear, your intervention must include a request to do so, preferably in the first paragraph of your letter, together with reasons as to why your written submission is not sufficient and why your appearance is necessary. The Commission will inform interveners whether their requests to appear are granted. All written interventions are considered by the Commission when it makes its decisions.

To ensure the effective use of public hearing time, and consistent with the Commission’s practice in similar proceedings, it may group the appearance of various interveners to particular applications at the same time.


13 April 2000


Copy of any intervention filed to application(s) by the CBC must be sent to:
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
c/o Director, Regulatory Affairs
250 Lanark Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 6R5
Telecopier: (613) 724-5668




Documents are available at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within a 48 hour delay, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres.


Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage
Ground Floor
Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2
Tels: (819) 997-2429 - TDD 994-0423
Telecopier: (819) 994-0218


Bank of Commerce Building
Suite 1007
1809 Barrington Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8
Tels: (902) 426-7997 - TDD 426-6997
Telecopier: (902) 426-2721


Kensington Building
275 Portage Avenue
Suite 1810
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3
Tels: (204) 983-6306 - TDD 983-8274
Telecopier: (204) 983-6317


530 - 580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 3B6
Tels: (604) 666-2111 - TDD 666-0778
Telecopier: (604) 666-8322


C.R.T.C. Documentation Centre
405 De Maisonneuve Boulevard East
2nd Floor, Suite B2300
Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5
Tels: (514) 283-6607 - TDD 283-8316
Telecopier: (514) 283-3689


C.R.T.C. Documentation Centre
55 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario
M4T 1M2
Telephone: (416) 952-9096
Telecopier: (416) 954-6343


C.R.T.C. Documentation Centre
Room 103
Cornwall Professional Building
2125, 11th Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 3X3
Telephone: (306) 780-3422
Telecopier: (306) 780-3319


C.R.T.C. Documentation Centre
Scotia Place Tower Two
19th Floor, Suite 1909
10060 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3R8
Telephone: (780) 495-3224
Telecopier: (780) 495-3214

This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

Secretary General


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