ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2000-419
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Decision CRTC 2000-419
Ottawa, 27 October 2000 |
Rogers Communications Inc. |
Shaw Communications Inc. |
18 September 2000 Public Hearing |
Transfer of ownership and control |
The Commission approves an exchange of cable systems between Rogers and Shaw that will result in greater efficiencies, cost savings and service improvements. The approval allows the two companies to rationalize their cable holdings in Canada. Rogers acquires Shaw cable systems in New Brunswick, Southern Ontario and Quebec and Shaw acquires the Rogers cable systems located in British Columbia. |
1. |
Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers), is one of the largest broadcasting companies in Canada. Its diverse broadcasting holdings include ownership of cable systems serving more subscribers than those of any other single operator of broadcasting distribution undertakings in Canada. |
2. |
Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is the parent corporation of the second-largest cable operator, Shaw Cablesystems Ltd., which has broadcast distribution operations across Canada. It is involved in other broadcasting sectors such as direct-to-home and satellite relay distribution undertakings. An affiliated corporation, Corus Entertainment Inc., is involved in the radio, specialty programming and video-on-demand sectors of broadcasting. |
3. |
Rogers and Shaw agreed to exchange certain cable systems as a means of rationalizing their respective cable properties. Cable systems will be clustered in the East under Rogers ownership, and in the West under Shaw. The transactions will strengthen the systems being exchanged and will, therefore, benefit subscribers. The Commission notes that most of the British Columbia systems being transferred to Shaw currently offer a special programming service consisting of ethnic and multicultural programs. |
4. |
The Commission approves the applications by Rogers for authority to transfer ownership and control of the cable distribution undertakings serving the communities noted in Appendix 1 from Shaw and for broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings. |
5. |
The Commission also approves the applications by Shaw for authority to acquire the assets of the cable distribution undertakings serving the communities noted in Appendix 2 from Rogers and for broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings. |
6. |
The Commission acknowledges the interventions submitted in respect of these applications and is satisfied with the responses to the concerns raised in some of these interventions. |
7. |
Rogers and Shaw are subject to the Employment Equity Act that came into effect on 24 October 1996 and therefore file reports concerning employment equity with Human Resources Development Canada. |
Secretary General |
This decision is to be appended to the licences. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: |
Appendix 1 to Decision CRTC 2000-419 |
Terms of the licences for the cable distribution undertakings being acquired by Rogers Communications Inc. |
Upon surrender of the current licences the Commission will issue new licences to Rogers. The expiry date, which is that of the current licences, and the class for each licence is set out below. |
The operation of these undertakings will be regulated pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. The authority granted in this decision is subject to the conditions in effect under the current licences as well as to any condition that may be specified in the licences to be issued. |
The signals that the licensee is authorized to distribute may be received by direct reception, or from any Canadian broadcasting distribution undertaking (licensed or exempted) which is authorized to provide signals to other distributors. |
New Brunswick |
Licensee |
Location |
Class |
Application no. |
Expiry date/ |
Access Communications Incorporated |
Sussex, Sussex Corner and surrounding area |
2 |
200012675 |
31 August 2001 |
Fundy Cable Ltd./ltée |
Allardville |
3 |
200012683 |
31 August 2005 |
Alma |
3 |
200015554 |
31 August 2005 |
Back Bay |
3 |
200015562 |
31 August 2005 |
Baie Ste-Anne |
3 |
200015570 |
31 August 2001 |
Barnsville |
3 |
200015588 |
31 August 2005 |
Bathurst |
1 |
200015596 |
31 August 2005 |
Baxters Corner |
3 |
200015604 |
31 August 2005 |
Bayfield & Cape Tormentine |
3 |
200015611 |
31 August 2005 |
Beaver Brook Station |
3 |
200015629 |
31 August 2001 |
Big Cove |
3 |
200015637 |
31 August 2005 |
Blackville |
3 |
200015653 |
31 August 2001 |
Blue Mountain Settlement |
3 |
200015661 |
31 August 2005 |
Boiestown/Astle |
3 |
200015679 |
31 August 2005 |
Bouctouche |
3 |
200015695 |
31 August 2005 |
Browns Flat |
3 |
200015687 |
31 August 2005 |
Burtts Corner |
3 |
200015703 |
31 August 2001 |
Campbellton |
2 |
200015710 |
31 August 2005 |
Canterbury |
3 |
200015736 |
31 August 2001 |
Cap Lumière |
3 |
200015744 |
31 August 2005 |
Caraquet |
3 |
200015752 |
31 August 2005 |
Caron Brook |
3 |
200015786 |
31 August 2005 |
Centre Acadie |
3 |
200015802 |
31 August 2005 |
Centre Napan |
3 |
200015819 |
31 August 2005 |
Centreville |
3 |
200015827 |
31 August 2001 |
Chatham/Newcastle |
1 |
200016651 |
31 August 2001 |
Chipman |
3 |
200015843 |
31 August 2001 |
Clair |
3 |
200015869 |
31 August 2001 |
Dalhousie |
2 |
200015877 |
31 August 2005 |
Davis Mill |
3 |
200015885 |
31 August 2005 |
Doaktown |
3 |
200015901 |
31 August 2001 |
Durham Bridge |
3 |
200015918 |
31 August 2005 |
Edmundston |
1 |
200015926 |
31 August 2001 |
Elgin |
3 |
200015934 |
31 August 2005 |
Florenceville |
3 |
200015942 |
31 August 2005 |
Fredericton |
1 |
200015950 |
31 August 2001 |
Gagetown |
3 |
200015976 |
31 August 2005 |
Grand Falls/Grand Sault |
2 |
200015984 |
31 August 2001 |
Grand Manan Island |
3 |
200015992 |
31 August 2001 |
Hartland, Sommerville |
3 |
200016000 |
31 August 2005 |
Harvey |
3 |
200016023 |
31 August 2001 |
Hatfield Point, Springfield |
3 |
200016049 |
31 August 2005 |
Havelock |
3 |
200016073 |
31 August 2005 |
Highway 505/St. Edward |
3 |
200016081 |
31 August 2005 |
Holtville |
3 |
200016107 |
31 August 2005 |
Hopewell Cape |
3 |
200016122 |
31 August 2005 |
Hybernia Heights |
3 |
200016130 |
31 August 2005 |
Jacquet River |
3 |
200016148 |
31 August 2005 |
Juniper |
3 |
200016156 |
31 August 2005 |
Keatings Corner |
3 |
200016172 |
31 August 2005 |
Kedgwick/St-Quentin |
3 |
200016198 |
31 August 2001 |
Kingsley |
3 |
200116701 |
31 August 2005 |
Kouchibouquac |
3 |
200016221 |
31 August 2005 |
Lac Baker |
3 |
200016255 |
31 August 2005 |
Lakeville |
3 |
200016289 |
31 August 2005 |
Leonardville |
3 |
200016338 |
31 August 2001 |
Lepreau |
3 |
200016354 |
31 August 2005 |
Lower Turtle Creek |
3 |
200016370 |
31 August 2005 |
Ludford Subdivision |
3 |
200016396 |
31 August 2005 |
Ludlow |
3 |
200016411 |
31 August 2005 |
McAdam |
3 |
200016445 |
31 August 2001 |
Meductic |
3 |
200016461 |
31 August 2005 |
Middlesex and Grub Road |
3 |
200016487 |
31 August 2005 |
Millville |
3 |
200016503 |
31 August 2005 |
Minto |
3 |
200016528 |
31 August 2001 |
Miscou Centre |
3 |
200016544 |
31 August 2005 |
Moncton |
1 |
200016552 |
31 August 2001 |
Morrisdale |
3 |
200016578 |
31 August 2005 |
Musquash Subdivision |
3 |
200016594 |
31 August 2005 |
Nackawic |
3 |
200016619 |
31 August 2001 |
Nasonworth |
3 |
200016635 |
31 August 2005 |
Noonan |
3 |
200016206 |
31 August 2005 |
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes |
3 |
200016213 |
31 August 2005 |
Patterson/Hoyt |
3 |
200016247 |
31 August 2005 |
Pennfield |
3 |
200016263 |
31 August 2005 |
Perth/Andover |
3 |
200016271 |
31 August 2001 |
Petitcodiac |
3 |
200016297 |
31 August 2001 |
Plaster Rock |
3 |
200016312 |
31 August 2001 |
Pointe Sapin |
3 |
200016320 |
31 August 2005 |
Richibucto |
3 |
200016346 |
31 August 2001 |
Richibucto Village |
3 |
200016362 |
31 August 2005 |
River Glade |
3 |
200016388 |
31 August 2005 |
Riverside-Albert |
3 |
200016440 |
31 August 2005 |
Rogersville |
3 |
200016429 |
31 August 2001 |
Saint John |
1 |
200016437 |
31 August 2001 |
St-André-de-Shediac |
3 |
200016536 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Andrews |
3 |
200016560 |
31 August 2001 |
Ste-Anne de Kent |
3 |
200016693 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Antoine |
3 |
200016586 |
31 August 2001 |
St-George |
3 |
200016602 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Ignace |
3 |
200016627 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Joseph-de-Madawaska |
3 |
200016453 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Margarets |
3 |
200016643 |
31 August 2005 |
Ste-Marie-de-Kent |
3 |
200016718 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Martins |
3 |
200016669 |
31 August 2005 |
St-Stephen |
2 |
200016693 |
31 August 2001 |
St-Paul/Val Richard |
3 |
200016685 |
31 August 2005 |
Salmon Beach |
3 |
200016479 |
31 August 2005 |
Shediac |
2 |
200016495 |
31 August 2001 |
Shippegan |
3 |
200016510 |
31 August 2005 |
Stuart Town/Lambertville |
3 |
200016305 |
31 August 2005 |
Taymouth/Nashwack Bridge |
3 |
200016726 |
31 August 2005 |
Temperance Vale |
3 |
200016742 |
31 August 2005 |
Tracadie/Neguac |
3 |
200016750 |
31 August 2005 |
Tracy/Fredericton Junction |
3 |
200016768 |
31 August 2001 |
Upper Gagetown |
3 |
200016776 |
31 August 2005 |
Welsford |
3 |
200016784 |
31 August 2005 |
Welshpool |
3 |
200016792 |
31 August 2001 |
White Rapids/Gray Rapids |
3 |
200016800 |
31 August 2005 |
Williamsburg/Stanley |
3 |
200016817 |
31 August 2005 |
Willow Grove |
3 |
200016825 |
31 August 2005 |
Wilson's Beach |
3 |
200016833 |
31 August 2001 |
Woodstock |
200016841 |
31 August 2001 |
Quebec |
Fundy Cable Ltd. |
Carleton |
3 |
200015760 |
31 August 2001 |
Ontario |
Shaw Cablesystems |
Barrie etc. |
1 |
200012691 |
31 August 2002 |
Bolton and surrounding areas |
2 |
200015893 |
31 August 2003 |
CFB Borden, Alliston, Angus and surrounding area |
1 |
200015968 |
31 August 2002 |
Erin, Hillsburgh, Caledon Village, Caledon |
3 |
200016015 |
31 August 2002 |
Grand Valley |
3 |
200016031 |
31 August 2005 |
Keswick, Pefferlaw, Sutton, Beaverton, Baldwin |
1 |
200016057 |
31 August 2002 |
Orangeville |
1 |
200016065 |
31 August 2002 |
Orillia |
1 |
200016099 |
31 August 2002 |
Part of Metropolitan Toronto |
1 |
200016114 |
31 August 2003 |
Part of the Township of Pickering |
1 |
200016164 |
31 August 2003 |
Part of/Secteur de Richmond Hill/King City |
1 |
200016180 |
31 August 2003 |
Appendix 2 to Decision CRTC 2000-419 |
Terms of the licences for the cable distribution undertakings being acquired by Shaw Communications Inc. |
Upon surrender of the current licences the Commission will issue new licences to Shaw. The expiry date, which is that of the current licences, and the class for each licence is set out below. |
The operation of these undertakings will be regulated pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. The authority granted in this decision is subject to the conditions in effect under the current licences as well as to any condition that may be specified in the licences to be issued. |
The signals that the licensee is authorized to distribute may be received by direct reception, or from any Canadian broadcasting distribution undertaking (licensed or exempted) which is authorized to provide signals to other distributors. |
British Columbia |
Licensee |
Location |
Class |
Application no. |
Expiry date |
Rogers Cable Inc. |
Vancouver |
1 |
200012659 |
31 August 2001 |
Fraser/Coquitlam |
1 |
200015645 |
31 August 2001 |
Surrey/Abbotsford/ |
1 |
200015728 |
31 August 2001 |
Burnaby |
1 |
200015778 |
31 August 2001 |
North and West Vancouver |
1 |
200015794 |
31 August 2001 |
White Rock |
1 |
200015835 |
31 August 2001 |
Lion's Bay |
2 |
200015851 |
31 August 2001 |
Rogers Cablesystems Ontario Limited |
Agassiz |
3 |
200012667 |
31 August 2001 |
- Date modified: