ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2000-290
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Decision CRTC 2000-290 |
Ottawa, 3 August 2000 |
Standard Radio Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba – 199915261 |
Application processed by Public Notice CRTC 2000-76 dated 1 June 2000 |
Licence renewal for CFWM-FM | |
1. |
The Commission renews the broadcasting licence for CFWM-FM Winnipeg, from 1 September 2000 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued. |
2. |
The Commission has granted a licence term that is less than the maximum of seven years permitted by the Broadcasting Act. This will allow the next licence renewal of this radio station to be considered in accordance with the Commission’s regional plan. It does not reflect any concern regarding the licensee’s performance. |
3. |
Consistent with Decision CRTC 96-18, the licensee is relieved, by condition of licence, from the requirement of section 10.1 of the Radio Regulations, 1986 that it own and operate its transmitter. Of course, the Commission expects the applicant to retain, at all times, full control of its undertaking, including control of its programming transmission and scheduling. |
4. |
The Commission notes that this licensee is subject to the Employment Equity Act that came into effect on 24 October 1996 and therefore files reports concerning employment equity with Human Resources Development Canada. |
Related CRTC documents
Decision 96-18 – Conversion of CKRC from AM to FM |
Secretary General |
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: |
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