ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2000-271

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Decision CRTC 2000-271

Ottawa, 17 July 2000

Native radio programming undertakings and networks
– Across Canada
One-year renewals


The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the native radio programming undertakings and radio networks listed in the appendix to this decision, from 1 September 2000 to 31 August 2001, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.


The Commission has granted administrative renewals in order to consider the renewal of these licences following the call for comments on certain policy issues related to native broadcasting issued in Public Notice CRTC 2000-105 dated 17 July 2000. In that notice, the Commission also announced that it had received applications for the renewal of these licences and invited interested parties to comment.


These renewals do not dispose of these applications, nor of any substantive issues that may exist with respect to the renewal of these licences. The Commission will issue decisions on the licence renewal applications at a later date, following consideration of the policy issues on which it has invited comment.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licences. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: 


Greg Johnson
Melvin Augustine (on behalf of a not for profit organization/au nom d'un organisme sans but lucratif)

CKRK K-103 Mohawk Radio

Kahnawake Association

Comité de la Radio Communautaire Huronne-Wyandot inc.
Corporation de Radio Kushapetsheken Apetuamiss Uashat
Corporation Médiatique Teuehikan
Douglas Martin
Gespegewag Communications Society
James Bay Cree Communications Society/ Société Crie des Communications de la Baie James
Jean-Guy Whiteduck
Radio Communautaire MF Lac Simon inc.
Radio Essipit Haute Côte-Nord inc.
Radio Ntetemuk inc.
Société de Communication Attikamekw-Montagnais inc.
Société de Communication Ikito Pikogan ltée

Southern Onkwehon:
WeNishinabec Communications Society (formerly/anciennement Amos Keye)

Native Communication Inc.
Natotawin Broadcasting Inc.
Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta

Northern Native Broadcasting
Greenville Television Association
Native Communications Society of the Western N.W.T.

Northern Native Broadcasting, Yukon
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