ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2000-20
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Decision CRTC 2000-20 | |
Ottawa, 19 January 2000 | |
Christian Radio Manitoba Ltd. Winnipeg, Manitoba – 199908117 |
16 November 1999 Public Hearing in Saskatoon | |
New Christian music FM radio station | |
The Commission approves the application for an English-language specialty FM radio programming undertaking at Winnipeg. Subject to the requirements of this decision, the Commission will issue a licence expiring 31 August 2006. |
The proposed service | |
The new station will broadcast Christian music. At least 95% of the total weekly music will be drawn from subcategory 34 (non-classic religious). A condition of licence in this regard is set out later in this decision. |
While the station will predominantly offer music, it will also provide listener requests, response lines and community service announcements. The applicant has also made a commitment to broadcast no less than 80% local programming. It will also maintain a local news crew to provide hourly news, weather and sports highlights. |
The applicant has confirmed that it has no plans to offer religious programming as defined in the Commission’s religious broadcasting policy outlined in Public Notice CRTC 1993-78. The Commission, nevertheless, reminds the applicant that, if it does offer religious programming, it must abide by the requirements set out in that public notice with respect to balance and other matters involving the broadcasting of religious programming as well as the policy regarding soliciting funds. |
The applicant made a commitment to broadcast 15% Canadian content each week from content Category 3 music (Traditional and Special Interest), rather than the minimum 10% weekly required by the Radio Regulations, 1986 for music from this category. The applicant will also broadcast a weekly maximum hit level of 5%. Conditions of licence requiring the applicant to adhere to these commitments are set out later in this decision. |
In the area of Canadian talent development, the Commission notes the applicant’s commitment set out in its application, to allocate $10,000 annually to Canadian talent development initiatives. The licensee indicated that it will contribute annually $7,000 to local music concerts, $2,000 toward scholarships and $1,000 for the development and promotion of local talent. A condition of licence in this regard is set out later in this decision. The licensee will also work toward the launch of an annual Canadian Christian music festival, prior to the end of its licence term. |
In Decision CRTC 99-467, dated 18 October 1999, the Commission approved an application submitted by Christian Solutions Group Inc. (CSG) for a similar Christian music FM service. In approving the current application, the Commission is satisfied that the addition of a second Christian music station to the Winnipeg listening area will increase the diversity of radio services available to audiences, while offering additional exposure and opportunities for Christian-music artists. The new station will target listeners between the ages of 18 and 45, and will reach a larger area than that covered by CSG. |
The Commission has taken into consideration the numerous interventions filed in support of the proposed service, including a letter submitted by CSG. |
The applicant proposed the use of frequency 107.1 MHz (channel 296C1). The Department of Industry found, however, that the channel selected did not meet the interference criteria for FM/NAVCOM analysis and could not be certified technically. Although the Commission has approved Christian Radio Manitoba Ltd.’s application, it does not approve the proposed technical parameters. |
The applicant is required, following consultation with the Department of Industry and Commission staff, and within three months of the date of this decision, to apply to amend its licence to revise the technical parameters so that they will respond satisfactorily to the concerns set out above. The Commission will consider such an application expeditiously in the interest of ensuring the provision of the new Christian music FM service in Winnipeg at the earliest possible date. |
The applicant will be required to construct the undertaking and to begin operation within 12 months of the date of Commission authorization of acceptable technical parameters. The licence will only be issued and effective when this requirement has been met. |
When the applicant has completed construction and is prepared to commence operation, it must advise the Commission in writing. If the undertaking is not constructed and ready to operate within 12 months of the date of approval of revised technical parameters, as referred to in the preceding paragraph, extensions to this time frame may be granted if the applicant applies in writing to the Commission before the 12-month period or any extension of that period expires. |
Conditions of licence | |
The licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued. As conditions of licence, the licensee must: |
In Public Notice CRTC 1992-59 dated 1 September 1992 and entitled Implementation of an Employment Equity Policy, the Commission announced that the employment equity practices of broadcasters would be subject to examination by the Commission. In this regard, the Commission encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources. |
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:
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