ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 1999-150
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Public Notice |
Ottawa, 10 September 1999
Public Notice CRTC 1999-150
578223 British Columbia Ltd.
Chilliwack, Hope and Abbotsford, British Columbia- 199907250 - 199907268
Transfer of shares
The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A99-0112 dated 30 August 1999, a transfer of the ownership and control of 578223 British Columbia Ltd. (Fraser Newco) to Rogers Broadcasting Limited (RBL). Fraser Newco is the licensee of the radio programming undertakings CHWK Chilliwack, CKGO Hope and its transmitter CKGO-FM-1 Boston Bar, CKMA Abbotsford, CKSR-FM Chilliwack and its transmitters CFSR-FM Mount Seymour and CFSR-FM-1 Abbotsford (including digital radio broadcasting transmitters of CKSR-FM at Mount Seymour and Burnaby). The transfer was effected through the transfer of all issued and outstanding common shares of Fraser Newco held by Fraser Valley Broadcasters Ltd. to RBL.
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