ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 99-841

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Telecom Order


Ottawa, 30 August 1999


Telecom Order CRTC 99-841


On 10 December 1997, the Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs (SATAT) filed for approval, on behalf of its participating member companies, its PIC/CARE (Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange) Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE Manual).


File No.: 8600-S10-01/97


1.The Commission notes that clause 3.1.1 of SATAT's proposed PIC/CARE Manual states that a Billing Telephone Number (BTN) level subscription implies that additional Working Telephone Numbers (WTNs) will be assigned to the Access Customer (AC) associated with that BTN.


2.In contrast, the procedures approved for other telephone companies state that a subscription at the BTN level does not imply that additional WTNs will be assigned to the AC associated with that BTN.


3.The Commission considers that generally, consistent rules should apply to interexchange carriers for interconnection with local exchange carriers across the country.


4.At clause 3.1.5, the proposed PIC/CARE Manual states that when an AC acquires part or all the customer base of another AC, a change in PIC is required.


5.The Commission notes that there may be circumstances where a change in PIC is not necessary. Such circumstances would include where the acquired AC continues to operate as a distinct entity.


6.The Commission notes that clause 3.1.5 does not establish a period during which an AC which acquires, or merges with, another AC must advise the affected end users of the change in their PIC selection and of any related billing implications.


7.The Commission considers that an AC should be required, within 90 days from the date of the transfer, to advise end users of the change in their PIC selection and of any related billing implications.


8.The Commission considers that clause 3.1.5 should also provide a reference to the variable charge per access line which would apply in the case of the bulk transfer of end users to the acquiring AC.


9.The Commission is of the view that SATAT should be required to record and retain the details of an end user's request to initiate a PIC dispute for 90 days and that its PIC/CARE Manual should reflect this in clause 9.1.


10.The Commission considers that the proposed PIC/CARE Manual should also include guidelines with respect to the disclosure of AC information.


11.In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:


(a) The proposed PIC/CARE Manual is granted interim approval with the following modifications:


(i) replace paragraph 6 of clause 3.1.1 with the following: "BTN level subscriptions do not imply that future WTNs will be assigned to the AC associated with that BTN. As additional access lines are added by the end user, the AC must submit new requests for each WTN.";


(ii) replace paragraph 1 of clause 3.1.5 with the following: "If an AC acquires the entire customer base of another AC, a change in PIC may be required.";


(iii) at paragraph 2 of clause 3.1.5, add a provision which states that it is the responsibility of the AC to advise the affected end users of the change in their PIC selection and any related billing implications within 90 days of the transfer;


(iv) to clause 3.1.5, add wording to provide a reference to the variable charge per access line that would apply in the case of the bulk transfer of end users to the acquiring AC;


(v) modify paragraph 2 of clause 9.1 to indicate that dispute notification from the AC is accepted at a WTN level only;


(vi) in clause 9.1, add wording to the effect that SATAT will record and retain the details of an end user's request to initiate a PIC dispute for 90 days; and


(vii) add a new clause after clause 14.2 providing for guidelines to be respected in the disclosure of AC information as follows:


"Client service representatives of the independent will handle questions about alternative long distance suppliers on an impartial basis. The existing rules of disclosure apply.


When processing local access service orders, the independent's client service representatives do not provide customers with AC contact numbers or information about AC service charges, rates, free calling periods, etc.


The independent's staff, other than its independent's client service representatives, are not required to disclose the existence of alternative long distance service providers nor provide any information pertaining to ACs."


(b) SATAT is directed to submit, for the Commission's information, a revised copy of its PIC/CARE Manual incorporating the above changes within 60 days of the date of this Order.


Secretary General


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