ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 99-565

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Telecom Order


Ottawa, 22 June 1999


Telecom Order CRTC 99-565


On 27 May 1999, Dryden Municipal Telephone System filed an application for approval of tariff revisions to: (a) increase individual-line residential and business rates to $14.20 and $28.65 respectively; (b) increase specialized access service rates; (c) increase service charges and optional service rates; (d) introduce new Extended Area Service (EAS) links in accordance with the Natural Calling Centre/EAS criteria; and (e) increase pay telephone rates from $0.20 to $0.25.


File No.: Tariff Notice 17


1.The proposed rate changes are filed pursuant to Review of Contribution Regime of Independent Telephone Companies in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5, 21 April 1999 (Decision 99-5).


2.In Decision 99-5, the Commission directed independent telephone companies in Ontario and Quebec with residential and business rates below $19.85 and $45.45, respectively, to increase their rates to those levels, effective 1 July 1999. However, increases to these rate levels are not required to the extent that the contribution rate is reduced to $0.02 per minute.


3.The Commission notes the company's submission that its contribution rate for the year 2000 should be $0.02 and that it has therefore not proposed to increase its local rates to the prescribed levels.


4.The Commission considers that a number of independent telephone companies will likely be proposing the introduction of new EAS links with Bell Canada (Bell), consistent with Decision 99-5. The Commission considers that the concurrent introduction of a number of EAS links would likely strain both the independent telephone companies' and Bell's resources. Given this, the Commission considers that the company should have some flexibility with respect to the scheduling of the effective dates of the approved EAS links.


5.In light of the foregoing, the Commission approves Tariff Notice 17, effective 1 July 1999. The company is to implement the approved EAS links by 30 September 1999.


Secretary General


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