ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 99-341

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Telecom Order


Ottawa, 12 April 1999


Telecom Order CRTC 99-341


By letter dated 14 December 1998, AT&T Canada Long Distance Services Company (AT&T Canada LDS) applied for an exemption from contribution for cross-border circuits which carry traffic that neither originates nor terminates in Canada.


File No.: 8626-A4-07/98


1.AT&T Canada LDS stated that the two DS-1s that are the subject of this application connect the Telegroup International gateway switch in Jersey City, New Jersey with AT&T Canada LDS' DMS switch in Markham, Ontario


2.AT&T Canada LDS stated that these DS-1 facilities are being configured to carry traffic which originates in the United States and is destined for overseas locations. AT&T Canada LDS stated that the contribution exemption is being applied for on the cross-border DS-1s only. AT&T Canada LDS stated that the trunk groups that carry the traffic from AT&T Canada LDS' Markham DMS to the overseas locations will also carry Canadian-originated traffic and will therefore not be contribution-exempt.


3.AT&T Canada LDS stated that it would file a technical audit, within 45 days of this application, which will demonstrate the circuits are used for transit traffic only and are therefore segregated from other cross-border facilities. AT&T Canada LDS sought a determination by the Commission that the circuits identified above qualify for an exemption from contribution charges
and requested that the contribution exemption be effective the date of this application.


4.By letter dated 27 January 1999, AT&T Canada LDS provided a technical audit dated 27 January 1999 in confidence with the Commission and Bell Canada (Bell).


5.By letter dated 4 February 1999, Bell stated that it has reviewed the technical audit report and noted that the auditor has confirmed that the Canada-U.S. cross-border facilities carry only transit traffic, and that these circuits are segregated from other Canada-U.S. cross-border facilities. Further, Bell stated that the configuration, by design, prevents traffic that is either originated or terminated in Canada from being carried on the Canada-U.S. facilities.


6.Bell also noted that AT&T Canada LDS has confirmed, in its letter dated 14 December 1998, that the international trunk groups that cross connect with the Canada-U.S. facilities to carry the traffic to overseas locations will also carry Canadian-originated traffic and are, therefore, not contribution-exempt and not part of the present application.


7.Accordingly, based on AT&T Canada LDS' submission and the auditor's verification, Bell agreed with the requested exemption. Bell had no objection to the proposed effective date of 14 December 1998.


8.The Commission is of the view that AT&T Canada LDS has provided a satisfactory technical audit that meets the evidentiary requirements and notes that the parties agree on the effective date.


9.In light of the foregoing, AT&T Canada LDS' application is approved effective the date of application (14 December 1998) consistent with Effective Date of Contribution Exemptions, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-26 dated 12 June 1995.


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