ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 99-1219
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Telecom Order CRTC 99-1219 |
Ottawa, 23 December 1999 | |
On 24 June 1999, Northwestel Inc. filed an application under Tariff Notice 710, amended by Tariff Notice 710A dated 7 September 1999, introducing the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service. A minimum subscription of 100 lines would be required at a rate of $15.75 per line per month. The proposed service is targeted at Internet service providers (ISPs). | |
File No.: Tariff Notice 710 | |
1. The Government of Yukon submitted that the 100-line minimum is too high and would stifle competitive entry. | |
2. The Commission requested additional information from the company, in particular, estimates of demand, costs, and rates for various minimum-commitment scenarios below 100 lines. | |
3. The company provided information indicating that the proposed rate is appropriate as higher rates would cause demand to drop, while lower rates would not create significant new demand given the limited size of the market. The company also indicated that lower thresholds would increase the costs per access. The company cited BC TEL's tariff rate of $18.00 per line per month with a minimum of 500 lines, as indicating that its 100-line minimum is not unreasonable. | |
4. The Commission notes the company's submission that several local ISPs support the service as proposed by the company. | |
5. The Commission notes that it would be open to ISPs to combine their requirements in order to help meet the minimum commitment level. | |
6. Accordingly, the Commission finds the proposed rates and the minimum commitment level to be appropriate. | |
7. The Commission approves Tariff Notices 710 and 710A. | |
Secretary General | |
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