ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-82

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Decision CRTC 99-82

Ottawa, 9 April 1999

Radio Ville-Marie
Montréal, Quebec – 199804696

Application processed by Public Notice CRTC 1999-13 dated 15 January 1999

New SCMO service to broadcast the programming of Radio Chalom

1. The Commission approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence of CIRA-FM Montréal, by adding a condition of licence allowing the licensee to use a second Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operations (SCMO) channel for the purpose of distributing the religious programming of Radio Chalom. This programming will be broadcast in French, Hebrew and English.

2. Radio Chalom’s programming will be 80% local with the remaining 20% made up of programming received from radio stations located in Israel, France and the United States. Local programming will be made up of information on the Jewish and non-Jewish communities of Montréal, discussions on religious themes of municipal interest, religious services as well as musical programs.

3. The licensee is expected to adhere to the guidelines set out in Appendix A to Public Notice CRTC 1989-23 dated 23 March 1989 entitled Services using the Vertical Blanking Interval (Television) or Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operation (FM).

4. In view of the nature of its programming, Radio Ville-Marie has also committed to abide by the Religious Broadcasting Policy set out in Public Notice CRTC 1993-78 dated 3 June 1993, which is essentially based on the recognition of alternative values and the importance of balance in matters of public concern, including religion.

5. Furthermore, although SCMO services are not subject to the Radio Regulations, 1986, Radio Ville-Marie has committed to abide by the logger tape requirements contained therein by retaining an exact copy of all matter broadcast for four weeks from the date of broadcast.

6. The Commission notes Radio Chalom's commitment not to exceed 504 minutes of advertising per broadcast week, with a maximum of 4 minutes in any one hour.

7. The Commission acknowledges the intervention received with regard to this application and is satisfied with the licensee’s reply to the concerns raised.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

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