ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-78

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Ottawa, 8 April 1999
Decision CRTC 99-78
CKLN Radio Inc.
Application processed by
Public Notice CRTC 1999-5
dated 12 January 1999
New Greek-language SCMO service
1. The Commission approves the application by CKLN Radio Inc. to amend the broadcasting licence for CKLN-FM Toronto, by adding a condition of licence allowing the licensee to use a Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operations (SCMO) channel for the purpose of broadcasting a Greek-language radio service.
2. The operator of the proposed service will be Radio Acropolis International. Programming will be offered in Greek (95%) and in Greek with some English (5%).
3. The Commission received one opposing intervention from Greek-Canadian Radio Station Limited, operator of CHCR, a Greek-language SCMO service carried by CKFM-FM Toronto. CHCR argued that the introduction of an additional SCMO service in Greek would impact negatively on its operations and on its ability to continue to serve its subscribers.
4. The applicant replied that there is a demand for the type of service it proposes to offer. It will provide more cultural programming and be more oriented to younger Greek-speaking listeners. In its view, this service would contribute positively to the diversity of radio programming in Toronto.
5. The Commission's policy regarding services using the SCMO channel of FM stations set out in Public Notice CRTC 1989-23 states that the Commission would be concerned if such a service were to cause any undue negative impact on existing local broadcasting services. The opposing intervention raised concerns regarding the possible negative impact on an existing SCMO service. No Toronto ethnic radio stations filed opposing interventions. The Commission is therefore satisfied that approval of this application will not cause undue negative impact on any existing local licensed ethnic radio stations.
6. The licensee is expected to adhere to the guidelines set out in Appendix A to Public Notice CRTC 1989-23 dated 23 March 1989 entitled Services Using the Vertical Blanking Interval (Television) or Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operation (FM).
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

Secretary General
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