ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 99-51
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Decision |
Ottawa, 11 March 1999
Decision CRTC 99-51
Videon CableSystems Inc.
Licence amendments resulting from the interconnection of various cable distribution undertakings to the licensee's Class 1 undertaking serving Winnipeg
1. The Commission approves the application to amend the broadcasting licences of the cable distribution undertakings serving the above-noted localities, as outlined below. The Commission notes that the licensee proposes to delete the local head ends of these undertakings and to interconnect them, by optical fibre, to the cable distribution undertaking serving Winnipeg, also owned by the licensee.
2. With respect to the authorizations set out in this decision, the licensee may receive any authorized signals over the air, or from any licensed or exempted Canadian broadcasting distribution undertaking authorized to provide signals to other broadcasting distribution undertakings.
3. The Commission acknowledges the intervention received with respect to this application and is satisfied with the licensee's reply to the concerns raised.
All undertakings noted above with the exception of Elie and St-Eustache
4. The Commission approves the application for authority to alter the signal of U.S. satellite services for the insertion of promotional material in the local availabilities of those services, by adding the following condition of licence:
The licensee may, at its option, insert certain promotional material as a substitute for the "local availabilities" (i.e. non-Canadian advertising material) of non-Canadian satellite services. At least 75% of these local availabilities must be made available for use by licensed Canadian programming services for the promotion of their respective services, for the promotion of the community channel and for unpaid Canadian public service announcements. A maximum of 25% of the commercial availabilities may be made available for the promotion of discretionary programming services and packages, customer service information, channel realignments, cable FM service and additional cable outlets.
Île-des-Chênes, Lorette, Niverville, St-Adolphe, St-Pierre-Jolys and Ste-Anne
5. The licensee is authorized to distribute:
· the programming service of the Manitoba Jockey Club Inc., as part of the discretionary service;
· at its option, the programming service of the Manitoba Education Research Learning and Instructional Network (MERLIN); and
· at its option, the programming services of KGFE (PBS) Grand Forks and WDAZ-TV (ABC) Devil's Lake, North Dakota, as part of the basic service. The Commission notes that the licensee will receive these signals via microwave.
Stonewall and Beauséjour
6. The Commission deletes the authority to distribute, at the licensee's option, as part of the basic service, the programming service of WXYZ-TV (ABC) Detroit, Michigan, a duplicate ABC signal, received via satellite.
7. The Commission deletes the condition of licence authorizing the distribution, at the licensee's option, of the programming services of WTOL-TV (CBS) Toledo, Ohio and WDIV (NBC) Detroit, Michigan, received via Cancom, as part of the basic service.
8. Prior to the effective date of the Order respecting the distribution of the French-language service of TVA Group Inc. (the Order), the licensee is authorized to distribute the programming service of distant Canadian station CFTM-TV (TVA) Montréal, as part of the basic service. The Commission notes that the licensee will receive CFTM-TV (TVA) via microwave and optical fibre from its Winnipeg undertaking. The Commission also notes that, effective 1 May 1999, undertakings to which the Order applies will be required to distribute TVA's signal, pursuant to the terms of the Order.
9. The licensee is also authorized, by condition of licence, to distribute, at its option, the programming services of WCCO-TV (CBS) and KARE-TV (NBC) Minneapolis, Minnesota, as part of the basic service. The Commission notes that the licensee will receive these services via satellite.
10. The Commission deletes the condition of licence relieving the licensee of the requirement of section 25 of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations to distribute the signal of CHMI-TV (IND) Portage la Prairie on an unrestricted channel of the undertaking.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to each licence.
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