ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 99-437
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Decision |
Ottawa, 14 September 1999
Decision CRTC 99-437
Dufferin Communications Inc.
Orangeville, Ontario - 199810891
Relocation of CIDC-FM's studios to Etobicoke and change of program source
1. The Commission approves the application by Dufferin Communications Inc. (Dufferin) to amend the broadcasting licence of CIDC-FM Orangeville by authorizing the licensee to move its studios to Etobicoke and by changing the program source specified in the licence from "programs received from studios located at Brampton, Ontario" to "programs received from studios located at Etobicoke, Ontario".
2. 1093641 Ontario Limited, licensee of CKDX-FM Newmarket, submitted an opposing intervention claiming that this application is an attempt by CIDC-FM to distance itself from the Orangeville market and to be perceived as a Toronto station. The intervener further argued that an approval would create increased competition for CKDX-FM.
3. Dufferin responded by reiterating its longstanding commitment to local Orangeville news and events. In addition, Dufferin noted the savings to be realized by consolidating its CIDC-FM operations with that of its sister station, CIAO Brampton.
4. The Commission notes that Dufferin is not proposing any change in CIDC-FM's programming or service contours and that this application relates only to a relocation of the facility. The Commission, nevertheless, reminds Dufferin that, although CIDC-FM may draw listeners from the Toronto radio market, the station's primary obligation is to serve the Orangeville market.
5. The Commission acknowledges the three interventions submitted in support of this application, including a petition containing 220 signatures.
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: |
Secretary General
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