ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 99-216
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Decision |
Ottawa, 12 August 1999 |
Decision CRTC 99-216 |
Alliance Communications Corporation and Shaw Communications Inc., on behalf of a general partnership |
Across Canada - 199812516 |
Application processed by |
Deletion of the condition of licence regarding the purchase of non-proprietary exhibition rights for feature films from Canadian distributors |
1. The Commission approves the application by Alliance Communications Corporation and Shaw Communications Inc., on behalf of a general partnership, to amend the licence for the national, digital, English-language video-on-demand (VOD) programming undertaking, by removing the following condition of licence: |
10. The licensee shall purchase non-proprietary exhibition rights for feature films from Canadian distributors. This includes any production other than the exceptions specified in Investment Canada's current policy which defines proprietary rights as those where the world-wide distribution rights to the program are owned by the licensor, or where the licensor has provided not less than one-half of the cost of the creation of the film. |
2. The licensee stated that this condition is a serious obstacle to the acquisition of feature films for its VOD service, which represent the core of its programming. The Commission considers that a limited number of films would be affected by this condition of licence and the impact of its removal would be minimal. Given all of these factors, the Commission is of the view that approval of this application serves the public interest. |
3. In the case of films for which a Canadian distributor has acquired proprietary rights, the Commission expects the licensee to continue to purchase them from Canadian distributors. |
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative
format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: |
Secretary General |
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