ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 99-105
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Ottawa, 7 May 1999 |
Mr. Cyril Paul Fredlund |
26 March 1999 Public Hearing |
Summary |
The Commission denies the application for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radiocommunication distribution undertaking at Churchill, to distribute WJCG-FM Monee, Illinois, to be received via satellite. |
1. Noting that the Commission authorizes the carriage of non-Canadian television programming services received via satellite on the local cable system, the applicant argued that it should receive authorization to carry non-Canadian radio services received via satellite. The applicant also stated that, because of its northern location, Churchill cannot receive U.S. signals over the air. Further, the applicant maintained that, since Churchill has only two local radio stations, the rebroadcasting of WJCG-FM would provide variety in the radio programming available to the community. |
2. Under section 23(1)(b) of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations (the regulations) the distribution by a broadcasting distribution undertaking of a non-Canadian AM or FM audio signal that is not receivable over the air at the local head end of the undertaking is not authorized. The Commission has considered the applicant’s arguments, and is of the view that an exception to the Commission's policy, as expressed in the regulations, is not justified in the circumstances. |
3. The Commission notes that several Canadian radio signals are available from the radiocommunication distribution undertaking authorized to serve Churchill. |
Secretary General |
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