To: PN 96-28 Distribution List
Several sub-groups of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) submitted consensus reports to the CISC Coordinating Committee (CC) (See Attachment 1). The CC parties confirmed the consensus reports and forwarded them to the Commission for consideration.
The Commission has reviewed the consensus reports and approves the contents of the documents.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General and
Chief Operating Officer
c.c. Chaouki Dakdouki, CRTC
Consensus Report
Consensus on the issues of Minimum SS7 Message Set (TIRE009.doc) and Ten Digit Global Title Translation Responsibility (TIRE008.doc) submitted by the Technical Interface Sub-Group (TISG) and adopted by the Coordinating Committee (CC) on 13 March 1998.
The TISG agreed that the CCS7 messages to be supported, associated with the multi-laterally supported services pursuant to Telecom Order 98-40, include:
- Select Call Management Services and Custom Calling Features (Automatic Callback, Automatic Recall, Screening List Editing)
- Toll-free carrier selection
- Calling Name and
- Messages associated with LNP.
The TISG agreed that the originating network for an SCCP message addressed to a global title consisting of a portable number shall be responsible for performing the 10 digit global title translation.
Consensus on the model CLEC-municipality 9-1-1 service agreement for use in the province of Quebec (ESRE006D) submitted by the Emergency Services (9-1-1) Sub-Group (ESSG) and adopted by the CC on 3 April 1998.
A model "Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in the Province of Quebec" / "Contrat pour la fourniture du service d'appel d'urgence 9-1-1 dans la province du Québec" has been adopted by the ESSG. The model agreement is to be used by CLECs that provide 9-1-1 service to Quebec subscribers by way of the arrangement specified in the Bell Canada 9-1-1 Implementation Support Document.
Consensus on the application and level of NPAC/SMS downloading charges submitted by the LNP Consortium Formation Sub-Group (LNPSG) and adopted by CC on 3 April 1998.
In Telecom Order CRTC 97-1243 The LNPSG was directed to examine the issue of the application and level of NPAC/SMS downloading charges. The group has concluded that there should be a transaction charge of a flat fee of $25,000 per calendar year payable by all users of the NPAC/SMS system. The transaction charge will be a credit against the additional funding payable by uploaders on a per NAS basis as approved by the Commission.
Consensus on the Agreement for the Provision of E9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in Province of Ontario. (ESRE006E) submitted by the ESSG and adopted by the CC on 1 May 1998.
A model "Agreement for the Provision of E9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in Province of Ontario" has been adopted by the ESSG. The model agreement is to be used by CLECs that provide 9-1-1 service to Ontario subscribers by way of the arrangement specified in the Bell Canada 9-1-1 Implementation Support Document.
Consensus on the Canadian Local Ordering Guide (C-LOG) submitted by the Billing and Ordering Sub-Group (BOSG) and adopted by CC on 1 May 1998.
The C-LOG represents the work that has been completed by the BOSG participants in identifying and defining the required data elements to order unbundled loops and interconnection facilities in the local exchange environment. (Local Service Request Form; Loop Service Form; End User Information Form; Number Portability Form; Loop Service with Number Portability Form; Interconnection; Local Service Request Confirmation Form, etc.)
The C-LOG will incorporate all data elements and service intervals for ordering and billing activities in the Canadian local market.
Consensus on the Unanimous Shareholders Agreement (USA) submitted by the LNPSG and adopted by the CC on 15 May 1998.
The working group has approved the Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholders Agreement (which implements the requirements of Telecom Order CRTC 97-1243) and the Administrative Services Agreement (which is designed to provide the Canadian LNP Consortium Inc. with a means of securing funding for its operations).
Consensus on the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection submitted by the Master Agreement Sub-Group (MASG) and adopted by the CC on 15 May 1998.
This master agreement contains standard agreement terms and conditions for CLEC to IXC interconnection. In addition, the MASG has proposed to include provisions that cover:
i) a description of the functions and procedures that will be carried out by both CLECs and IXCs;
ii) provisions for the retention and non-disclosure of confidential information;
iii) procedures for modifying or changing the procedures that govern the agreement; and
iv) procedures for facilitating dispute resolution and termination of the agreement.
Four Schedules are also proposed to be included with the Model Agreement, three of which are included with the Agreement, and have been reviewed and approved by the MASWG as appropriate models, to make up part of the CLEC/IXC Master Agreement:
- Schedule 1 - Ordering Procedures
- Schedule 2 - Carrier Billing
- Schedule 4 - PIC Information Processing