ARCHIVED -  Public Notice CRTC 1998-54

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Public Notice

  Ottawa, 21 May 1998
  Public Notice CRTC 1998-54
  Radio CJLS Limited
Yarmouth, Barrington and New Tusket, Nova Scotia - 199801460
  Transfer of control and shares
  The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A98-0059 dated 14 May 1998, a change in the effective control of Radio CJLS Limited, licensee of radio programming undertaking CJLS Yarmouth and its transmitters CJLS-FM Barrington and CJLS-FM-1 New Tusket through the transfer of all the securities held by M.L. Trask Holdings Ltd., a company wholly owned by Michael L. Trask, to a holding company to be equally owned by Gerard H. Boudreau, A. Christopher R. Perry and Ray Zinck. The holding company and Radio CJLS Limited will amalgamate following closing and continue under the name of Radio CJLS Limited with Messrs. Boudreau, Perry and Zinck each directly holding 33.33%.
  Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
  This document is available in alternative format upon request.
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