Ottawa, 6 October 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-978
By letter dated 16 July 1998, Télécom Outaouais requested an exemption from contribution charges with respect to Centrex systems in several exchanges in Quebec. Télécom Outaouais provided an affidavit dated 16 July 1998 affirming that the Centrex services are used solely to provide local or single-hop services.
File No.: 8626-T33-01/98
1.By letter dated 1 September 1998, Bell Canada (Bell) stated that it has reviewed the affidavit and noted that it is deficient in one respect. Bell stated that Télécom Outaouais has not provided a list of specific Centrex systems that require exemption, identifying the billing telephone number or the numbering plan area NXX associated with the systems. Bell noted that this is required in order to clearly identify the services for which the exemption is required.
2.Bell stated that it is not aware that Télécom Outaouais has yet installed any of the services referenced in its affidavit. Bell therefore assumed that the Télécom Outaouais application should be characterized as a request for advance approval for an exemption. Bell stated that in this respect, the application appears to satisfy the evidentiary requirement for such exemptions.
3.Accordingly, Bell agreed with the request for advance approval of an exemption. Should the Commission grant Télécom Outaouais' request, Bell also submitted that Télécom Outaouais should be required to provide a revised affidavit after the installation of its first system, identifying the system and affirming that it is arranged in a manner to limit Télécom Outaouais' services to local or single-hop configurations.
4.The Commission is of the view that Télécom Outaouais has provided an affidavit which meets the Commission's evidentiary requirements for advance approval of local or single-hop services and notes that Bell also agrees.
5.In light of the foregoing, Télécom Outaouais' application is approved effective the date of installation, subject to Télécom Outaouais providing a revised affidavit within 30 days after the installation of its first system, identifying the system, and affirming that it is arranged in a manner to limit Télécom Outaouais' services to local or single-hop configurations.
Secretary General
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