Ottawa, 29 July 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-743
By letter dated 8 April 1998, ValleyTel Inc. (ValleyTel) requested a contribution exemption for a Centrex system in the 613-567 exchange. ValleyTel provided an affidavit affirming that the Centrex system is used solely to provide local or single-hop services.
File No.: 8626-V7-01/98
1.By letter dated 23 April 1998, Bell Canada (Bell) noted that ValleyTel has not provided a billing telephone number or other telephone number reference which would identify the system which is the subject of the exemption request. Bell stated that it has reviewed its files and can find no record of a Centrex system for ValleyTel.
2.Bell stated that it has also reviewed the affidavit and notes that it appears to satisfy the evidentiary requirements for an exemption when the circuits in question have been placed in service. However, Bell submitted that where circuits are not yet in service, the affidavit provided cannot properly affirm a service configuration that is not yet in place.
3.Accordingly, Bell submitted the ValleyTel has not satisfied the evidentiary requirements for an exemption on the basis of the evidence provided. Bell noted that ValleyTel should provide further information to clarify its request. Bell stated that for example, if ValleyTel intends to install a system in the 613-567 exchange, its request would be more appropriately characterized as a request for advance approval of an exemption, pending installation of the services in question.
4.By an undated letter faxed on 8 June 1998, ValleyTel provided a revised affidavit dated 5 June 1998 and a list of numbers used in the 567 exchange.
5.By letter dated 23 June 1998, Bell noted that ValleyTel has now provided, with its revised affidavit, the telephone numbers which identify the system which is the subject of the exemption request. Bell stated that it has reviewed its records and noted that the system has been installed. Bell stated that it has also reviewed the affidavit and noted that it appeared to satisfy the evidentiary requirements for an exemption in this case. Accordingly, Bell agreed with the requested exemption.
6.The Commission is of the view that ValleyTel's submission satisfies the evidentiary requirements for an exemption in this case and notes that Bell also agreed.
7.In light of the foregoing, ValleyTel's application is approved effective the date of application (8 April 1998) pursuant to Effective Date of Contribution Exemptions, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-26 dated 12 June 1995.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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