Ottawa, 12 June 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-583
By letter dated 16 March 1998, 1233779 Ont. Inc. (1233779) applied for contribution exemption with respect to business services used for administration purposes, provided by Bell Canada (Bell).
File No.: 8626-O13-01/98
1. 1233779 provided an affidavit affirming that all its administrative lines are used for direct dial, local and long distance calling. The affidavit also affirmed that the lines are not used for hopping between exchanges and are not used in conjunction with any other services to provide an interexchange service. 1233779 has also requested an effective date of August 1997.
2. By letter dated 2 April 1998, Bell noted that with respect to the affidavit, 1233779 has not identified which services are the subject of its request. In light of this, Bell submitted that 1233779 should be required to provide a revised affidavit specifying which lines are the subject of its application, so that the Commission and Bell can review the number and type of services involved.
3. With respect to the request for the effective date to be made retroactive to August 1997, Bell noted that it is the Commission's practice to approve administrative exemptions retroactive to the date of installation. Bell stated that, assuming that the requested effective date corresponds with the date of installation of services, it had no objection to this request, should the Commission grant an exemption in this case.
4. In light of the above, Bell recommended that the Commission defer ruling with respect to the application of 1233779 pending the provision of a revised affidavit specifying the lines or services for which an exemption is requested. Bell stated that it reserves the right to provide additional comments following the submission of further evidence.
5. By letter dated 7 May 1998, 1233779 filed a revised affidavit and attached a list of the lines that are the subject of this application (in confidence to Bell and the Commission).
6. In its letter dated 21 May 1998, Bell stated that it has reviewed the new affidavit provided by 1233779 in its latest submission and noted that it appeared to satisfy the evidentiary requirements in this case. Bell also noted that the number of lines appeared reasonable. Accordingly, Bell agreed with the requested exemption.
7. The Commission is of the view that 1233779 has met the evidentiary requirements for a contribution exemption and notes that Bell also agrees.
8. In light of the foregoing, 1233779's application is approved effective the date of installation pursuant to Effective Date of Contribution Exemptions, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-26, 12 June 1995.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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