Ottawa, 13 March 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-275
By letter dated 22 October 1997, Intel Telecom Canada Inc. (Intel) requested an exemption from contribution charges with respect to Centrex systems and business lines in Quebec and Ontario. Intel attached two affidavits both dated 22 October 1997; one affidavit affirmed that Centrex systems will solely be used to provide local or single-hop Extented Area Service (EAS); the other affirmed that Intel will use business lines solely for administrative purposes.
File No.: 8626-J8-01/97
1. By letter dated 28 November 1997, Bell Canada (Bell) stated that it has reviewed the application and the affidavits and noted that both affidavits are incomplete in that they do not identify the specific Centrex systems and business lines for which an exemption is requested. Based on the review of its records, Bell understood that Intel has services in the 514-832 exchange which might be used for the purpose stated in its affidavits.
2. In light of the above, Bell submitted that a decision with respect to Intel's application should be deferred pending the provision of revised affidavits clearly identifying the services and associated billing telephone numbers for which the exemption is required.
3. By letters dated 7 and 12 January 1998, Intel provided revised affidavits dated 7 January 1998 identifying the services and associated billing telephone numbers for which the exemption is required. One affidavit affirmed that Centrex systems in the 514-832 exchange will solely be used to provide local or single-hop EAS. The other affidavit affirmed that Intel will use business lines, also in the 514-832 exchange, solely for administrative purposes.
4. By letter dated 13 February 1998, Bell noted that the affidavits appear to satisfy its concerns. Bell noted that: (1) with respect to the administrative lines, the quantity appears to be reasonable; and (2) with respect to the Centrex systems used solely for local or single-hop services, Intel has affirmed that no local or interexchange private lines are connected to them. In light of the above, Bell submitted that Intel appears to have satisfied the requirements for the contribution exemptions requested.
5. The Commission is of the view that Intel's evidence meets the evidentiary requirements for an exemption and notes that Bell has also agreed.
6. In light of the above, Intel's application is approved effective the date of application (22 October 1997) for the single-hop circuits, and the date of installation for the administrative circuits, pursuant to the policy set out in Effective Date of Contribution Exemptions, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-26, 12 June 1995.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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