Ottawa, 25 February 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-202
By letter dated 18 December 1997, Interlog Internet Services Inc. (Interlog) applied for an exemption from contribution charges for circuits used to provide Internet service. Attached to its application, Interlog provided an affidavit affirming that it is strictly an Internet Service Provider and that it does not offer any voice services. Interlog requested that the exemption be effective 1 January 1998.
File No.: 8626-J10-01/97
1. By letter dated 19 January 1998, Bell Canada (Bell) submitted that Interlog has not identified, in its application, the services for which an exemption is required. Bell noted that, based on its review of its records, Interlog leases certain Centrex and Megalink services from Bell which appear to be used to provide Internet services. Bell stated that it assumed that the exemption is requested for these services.
2. Bell also noted that an affidavit satisfies the evidentiary requirements for such exemptions, but that Interlog's affidavit does not specify the services for which the exemption is sought. Accordingly, Bell agreed with Interlog's request for an exemption, subject to the receipt of a revised affidavit identifying the services for which an exemption is required.
3. By letter dated 28 January 1998, Interlog disagreed in part with Bell's comments that Interlog should be required to provide a revised affidavit identifying the services for which an exemption is required. Interlog submitted that it should not be put to the additional unnecessary expense and effort of providing a further affidavit. Interlog renewed its request for approval of its contribution exemption application effective 1 January 1998.
4. The Commission agrees with Bell that the affidavit is deficient, since it does not identify the services (such as circuit numbers and cities) for which an exemption is required. However, the Commission also considers that an exemption is warranted in this case.
5. In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that Interlog's application is approved effective 1 January 1998, subject to Interlog providing a revised affidavit within 30 days of the Order identifying the services (such as circuit numbers and cities) for which an exemption is required.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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