Ottawa, 23 December 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-1352
On 21 October 1998, MetroNet Communications Group Inc. (MetroNet) filed an application under Tariff Notice 5, for approval of tariff revisions pertaining to the introduction of charges for: (1) terminating traffic from within the local calling area; and (2) processing calls from an interconnecting carrier, when that carrier does not transmit the location routing number of the switch to which the call must be routed for termination.
File No.: Tariff Notice 5
1.In Telecom Order CRTC 98-1217 dated 3 December 1998, the Commission determined that MetroNet's proposal to introduce charges for traffic terminating from within the local calling area raises issues that should be dealt with in conjunction with the transiting tariffs to be filed by the incumbent local exchange carriers.
2.Pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC 98-486, dated 19 May 1998, incumbent local exchange carriers are now routing to MetroNet terminating traffic that originates inside the local calling area, but outside the exchange, on trunks that are separate from bill and keep trunks.
3.The Commission notes that MetroNet currently has no way of charging for terminating this traffic.
4.In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
The proposed tariff revisions to General Tariff Item 201, to become effective on 1 January 1999, are approved on an interim basis.
Secretary General
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