ARCHIVED - Telecom Costs Order CRTC 98-15
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Telecom Costs Order |
Ottawa, 10 September 1998
Telecom Costs Order CRTC 98-15
In re: Service to High-Cost Serving Areas - Telecom Public Notice CRTC 97-42
File No.: 8665-C12-04/97
Application for costs by l'Association coopérative d'économie familiale (ACEF) des Bois-Francs.
1.On 18 June 1998, the Commission held a regional consultation in Val d'Or, Québec, as part of the above-noted proceeding.
2.In a letter dated 22 June 1998, ACEF des Bois Francs applied for costs in connection with its participation in the regional consultation held on 18 June 1998. Representatives of ACEF des Bois Francs, on behalf of subscribers of Télébec ltée (Télébec), appeared in person at the regional consultation and filed a written submission of 13 pages.
3.In its application, ACEF des Bois Francs claimed costs in the amount of $676.05. In particular, it claimed $60.48 for automobile mileage (2 automobiles x 126 km x 0.24 cents/km), $195.57 for photocopying costs, and $420.00 for the time to prepare and present its submission to the Commission (28 hours x $15.00/hour).
4.In a letter dated 28 July 1998, the Commission indicated that ACEF des Bois Francs appeared to satisfy the criteria for an award of costs set out in section 44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules). In light of the de minimis nature of the claim, the Commission proposed to fix costs in the amount claimed. The Commission also proposed, without making any determinations with respect to any other application for costs that might be received in this proceeding, to name Télébec as the appropriate respondent for costs in this instance.
5.In a letter dated 4 August 1998, Télébec indicated that the Commission's proposal was reasonable. It questioned, however, the appropriateness of the claim by ACEF des Bois Francs for photocopy charges. Télébec noted that ACEF des Bois Francs had submitted to the Commission and to Télébec 1,722 petition letters from Télébec subscribers. In Télébec's submission, the costs of copying these letters should be borne by ACEF des Bois Francs, rather than by Télébec's subscriber base. Nevertheless, Télébec recognized that the amounts claimed by ACEF des Bois Francs were reasonable.
6.ACEF des Bois Francs did not file reply comments.
7.In the Commission's view, ACEF des Bois Francs has met the requirements of subsection 44(1) of the Rules. Accordingly, an award of costs is warranted in the circumstances.
8.The Commission considers that the amounts claimed by ACEF des Bois Francs are reasonable. In the Commission's view, the claim for photocopy disbursements is not excessive and should be allowed.
9.The application of ACEF des Bois Francs for an award of costs in the above-noted proceeding is approved.
10.The Commission hereby fixes costs in the amount of $676.05.
11.Costs awarded herein shall be paid by Télébec forthwith.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General |
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