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Public Notice |
Ottawa, 30 June 1997
Public Notice CRTC 1997-33-1
Clarification of Public Notice CRTC 1997-33 entitled Timetable for the Commission's Consideration of Applications for New Specialty and Pay Television Services
1. Following the release of Public Notice CRTC 1997-33, the Commission received telephone inquiries from potential applicants for licences to carry on new pay television and specialty undertakings. The callers asked whether the Commission intends to conduct the usual clarification process with applicants after their proposals have been filed. This process enables the Commission, where necessary, to request clarification on matters raised in applications before scheduling them for consideration at a public hearing.
2. The Commission confirms that, consistent with established practice, it may request applicants proposing new pay television and specialty services to reply to questions of clarification regarding their applications within a set period of time following their submission.
3. This, however, does not change the Commission's basic requirement that applications proposing new pay television and specialty services be filed in a complete form, and contain all required information, at the time they are filed.
4. The requirement for completeness, as well as the possibility of subsequent requests from the Commission for clarification, were noted in Public Notice CRTC 1997-33 in Section II (Completeness of Applications):
The Commission advises that in keeping with its past practice, should an applicant fail to provide the required information set out above in relation to support for Canadian programming, marketing strategy, financial viability and ownership, the application will be deemed incomplete and returned to the applicant. Further, the Commission will not accept significant changes to an application after it has been filed, unless such changes have been made in response to a specific request from the Commission.
5. Accordingly, and consistent with established Commission practice, applications that, at the time of filing, fail to include the essential information set out in Public Notice CRTC 1997-33 relating to support for Canadian programming, marketing strategy, financial viability and ownership, will be deemed to be incomplete. The Commission will return such applications to the applicants without further consideration.
6. The Commission reminds interested parties that applications for licences to carry on new Canadian specialty and pay television undertakings must be filed with the Secretary General of the Commission on or before 30 September 1997. Requests by the Commission for any necessary clarification will be sent to individual applicants following that date.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General |
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