ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 97-926
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Telecom Order |
Ottawa, 30 June 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-926
On 17 January 1997, Téléphone Guèvremont (Guèvremont) filed an application under Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure to conclude an agreement between Bell Canada (Bell) and Guèvremont relating to 9-1-1 emergency service.
File No.: 97-8643-G1.01
1. Guèvremont requested the Commission to direct that the arrangements between Bell and Guèvremont relating to 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting Service (9-1-1 PERS) be governed by the proposed agreement filed by Guèvremont.
2. Guèvremont noted that Bell has placed at its disposal the technological facilities required for 9-1-1 PERS and that 9-1-1 PERS is operational within its service area.
3. According to Guèvremont, if it does not have an agreement with Bell it cannot arrive at the required agreements with local municipal authorities.
4. The agreements with municipal authorities govern, among other things, the billing of subscribers for 9-1-1 PERS costs and municipal costs.
5. In reply to Guèvremont's application, Bell argued that it saw no reason to negotiate a special, separate contract to meet Guèvremont's interconnection requirements.
6. Bell noted that Guèvremont wants the provision of 9-1-1 PERS to be governed by the terms of an agreement proposed by Guèvremont rather than by the standard interconnection contract between the independent companies and Bell, and that all the Ontario and Quebec independents except Guèvremont have signed.
7. Bell argued that the Commission should instead direct Guèvremont to sign the standard interconnection contract previously approved by the Commission.
8. Guèvremont replied that it is not asking that a special contract be signed, because the contract it filed in support of this application contains the same terms and conditions as those found in the standard interconnection contract.
9. Guèvremont also submitted that, in view of the dispute between Guèvremont and Bell concerning interconnection, it is neither required nor prepared to sign the standard interconnection contract agreed to by Bell and most independents.
10. Bell further submitted that if the Commission is not prepared to direct Guèvremont to sign the interconnection contract at this time, the Commission should either deny the application or defer its decision on it because of the current proceeding concerning the dispute between Guèvremont and Bell.
11. In view of the current proceeding now before the Commission concerning the interconnection dispute between Guèvremont and Bell, the Commission considers that an interim solution providing for the signature of the contract filed by Guèvremont in relation to this application, with the amendments set out below, would be appropriate.
12. The Commission notes that this solution is only an interim measure pending a permanent arrangement.
13. The Commission directs that Bell and Guèvremont sign the 9-1-1 Emergency Reporting Service Agreement filed by Guèvremont with the following amendments:
14. (a) in article 2 a., delete the words "son propre organisme de réglementation" [TRANSLATION] "its own regulatory agency" and substitute "le Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes" [TRANSLATION] "the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission".
(b) insert the following article relating to confidentiality: "Tout renseignement confidentiel relatif à un client que Guèvremont fournit à Bell ou tout renseignement relatif à la configuration, au développement, à l'exploitation et à la maintenance du SPAU 9-1-1 est confidentiel et ne doit être transmis qu'aux seules personnes qui doivent nécessairement en prendre connaissance à la seule fin de fournir le SPAU 9-1-1." [TRANSLATION] "Any confidential information about a customer which Guèvremont supplies to Bell or any information about the configuration, development, operation or maintenance of 9-1-1 PERS is confidential and must be given only to the persons who absolutely need it for the sole purpose of providing 9-1-1 PERS.", and
(c) delete in its entirety article 10 relating to relevant statutes.
15. The Commission further directs that Bell and Guèvremont file the signed agreement within 30 days from the date of this Order.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General |
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