ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 97-853
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Telecom Order |
Ottawa, 18 June 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-853
The Commission received an application by Call-Net Enterprises Inc. on behalf of Sprint Canada Inc. (Sprint) dated 18 April 1997 for an exemption from contribution for two cross-border circuits dedicated solely to its end user Bombardier Inc./Canadair.
File No.: 97-8626-S2-03
1. In support of its application, Sprint provided an affidavit, dated 11 April 1997, from the end user affirming that the two DS1 Canada-U.S.A. private lines are dedicated solely to Bombardier Aerospace Group's use.
2. By letter dated 14 May 1997, Bell Canada (Bell) noted that the affidavit provided by Sprint from the end user affirms that the circuits in question are provided solely for the use of the customer.
3. Bell further noted that the affidavit satisfies the Commission's evidentiary requirements for an exemption from contribution charges, and accordingly Bell agreed with the requested exemption.
4. The Commission notes that Sprint's application meets the Commission's evidentiary requirements for an exemption from contribution.
5. The Commission notes its practice is to generally accept the earlier of the date of application or the date of the affidavit for the effective date, as long as there is no substantial difference between those two dates.
6. In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
Sprint's application is approved effective the date of the affidavit, 11 April 1997.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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