ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 97-777
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Telecom Order |
Ottawa, 10 June 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-777
On 13 January 1997, Stentor Resource Centre Inc. filed an ex parte application on behalf of NewTel Communications Inc. (NewTel), for approval of tariff revisions to provide for the "Advantage Toll-free Outbound Provincial Winback" promotion.
File No.: Tariff Notice 407
1. The proposed tariff revisions were approved on an interim basis on 7 February 1997 under Telecom Order CRTC 97-156.
2. On 20 March 1997, BusinessTel Limited (BusinessTel) filed comments with the Commission. BusinessTel, a Centrex reseller, submitted that wording in a NewTel mail-out that was received by BusinessTel's customers suggested that they could receive free long distance calling if they switched their local service back to NewTel from BusinessTel. BusinessTel requested that the Commission direct NewTel to limit any winbacks strictly to the long distance calling of such customers, which was the intent of the winback program.
3. On 26 March 1997, the Commission served a copy of BusinessTel's comments on NewTel directing them to respond to BusinessTel's submission within five business days of receipt of the letter. BusinessTel was directed to respond within five days of receipt of NewTel's comments.
4. NewTel filed comments by letter dated 3 April 1997. NewTel submitted that no Commission action is required as winback promotions currently comply with the direction requested by BusinessTel. NewTel stated that in the situation where a customer had selected a local service reseller as well as an alternate provider of long distance service, the offer for free long distance was made only for the customers to switch their long distance business back to NewTel. NewTel stated that in order to reduce the possible confusion of customers, in similar circumstances in the future, it will endeavour to make promotional literature clearer.
5. The Commission is satisfied on the basis of the information submitted that BusinessTel's concerns have been adequately addressed by NewTel.
6. In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
The proposed tariff revisions are approved on a final basis.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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