ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 97-454
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Telecom Order |
Ottawa, 3 April 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-454
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Wise Advantage Inc. (Wise) attached to a letter of registration dated 31 January 1997, for exemption from contribution charges for Centrex services used to provide local or single-hop services.
Reference: 97-8626-W8-01
WHEREAS the request was in the form of an affidavit dated 5 February 1997, affirming that the services are used solely to provide local or single-hop services;
WHEREAS by letter dated 20 February 1997, Bell Canada (Bell) noted that it has no record of Wise as a customer and therefore assumed that the Centrex system arrangements described in the affidavit are not yet in service;
WHEREAS having said that, Bell submitted that the application appears on a preliminary basis to qualify for an exemption and advance approval would be appropriate;
WHEREAS Bell submitted, however, that before final approval of the requested exemption is granted, a new affidavit would be required affirming the actual arrangements once the services are installed; and
WHEREAS the Commission considers that while an affidavit would meet its evidentiary requirements, the particular affidavit provided by Wise is unsatisfactory given that it refers to services that do not appear to be in place yet -
Wise's application is approved effective the date of installation, subject to the receipt of a revised affidavit reflecting the actual services within 30 days of their installation.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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