ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 97-232

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 21 February 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-232
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Bell Canada (Bell) filed under Tariff Notice 5863 dated 8 November 1996, for tariff revisions to allow the application of a Late Payment Charge (LPC) to any balance owing on a customer's bill that remains unpaid more than 30 days from the billing date.
WHEREAS Bell submitted that it has made significant improvements in its bill preparation and release procedures and that the current 42 day LPC period should now be reduced;
WHEREAS, in support, Bell provided tracking information that showed that the average number of business days for the release of bills has been reduced and that a larger percentage of bills are released within a shorter period;
WHEREAS ACC TelEnterprises Ltd. (ACC) and fONOROLA Inc. (fONOROLA) provided statistics that were at variance with the claims made by Bell, and requested that the application be denied;
WHEREAS Bell submitted data for these two companies showing when bills were released to the courier and Canada Post, and when ACC and fONOROLA signed for receipt of the bills;
WHEREAS Bell submitted that the data indicated that ACC and fONOROLA were receiving their bills within the improved time periods it had claimed to be meeting and suggested that any delays in the receipt or processing of the bills may be internal to those companies;
WHEREAS, based on the record of this proceeding, the Commission is of the view that Bell has made sufficient progress in meeting the requirement stipulated in Telecom Order CRTC 96-695 dated 4 July 1996 that customers with complex billing arrangements be given sufficient time to review their bills;
WHEREAS Bell also submitted that all the other Stentor companies, as well as Télébec ltée and Québec-Téléphone, have interest free-periods of 30 days or less; and
WHEREAS the Commission notes Bell's submission that it would include on the bill the actual date when payment would be due -
1. Bell Tariff Notice 5863 is approved, effective three months from the date of this Order.
2. Bell is to indicate the payment due date on the billing statement.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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