ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 97-168

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 11 February 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-168
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Metro Access Ltd. (Metro Access) dated 12 November 1996, for an exemption from contribution charges for Centrex services in Toronto, Oakville, Brampton, Schomberg, Oak Ridges and Ajax.
Reference: 96-2211
WHEREAS Metro Access indicated in its affidavit that it provides both single-hop and double-hop services using Centrex systems at these locations;
WHEREAS by letter dated 24 December 1996, Bell Canada (Bell) stated that it has determined that, consistent with the statement in clause 4 of the affidavit, the service configuration used by Metro Access involves the use of customer provided and maintained equipment that is programmed to classify and route calls as single-hop or double-hop;
WHEREAS Bell also noted that, where an applicant controls the determination of whether individual calls are subject to contribution, and controls the routing of such calls to exempt or contribution-bearing interconnecting circuits, the Commission has in previous cases required the applicant to provide a technical audit;
WHEREAS Bell stated that such audits are required to describe the service configuration, provide evidence to confirm that calls are correctly handled, and confirm that adequate controls or procedures are in place to ensure that the system will continue to route calls correctly based on their eligibility for an exemption;
WHEREAS, accordingly, Bell submitted that Metro Access should be directed to provide a technical audit, consistent with established evidentiary requirements for such configurations; and
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, the Commission is of the view that Metro Access should be directed to provide a technical audit, consistent with established evidentiary requirements for such configurations -
1. Metro Access' application is granted interim approval effective the date of application, with final approval subject to the receipt of the technical audit for all sites within 60 days of the date of this Order.
2. The audit should describe the service configuration, provide evidence to confirm that calls are correctly handled, and confirm that adequate controls or procedures are in place to ensure that the system will continue to route calls correctly based on their eligibility for an exemption.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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