ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 97-148

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 5 February 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-148
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Durham Telephones Limited dated 29 October 1996, as amended on 1 November 1996, for approval of depreciation life characteristics.
WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the depreciation life characteristics contained in the attached Table; and
WHEREAS the Commission finds these depreciation life characteristics to be reasonable -
The accounts listed in the attached Table be depreciated using the depreciation life characteristics contained therein.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General



2120-91/92 Buildings   2008
2120-93/94 Grounds Unit 13 yrs
2210 Main Distribution Frame   2003
2211 Central Office - Power   2002
2221, 2224 Central Office - Digital Switching Equipment   2003
2222, 2223, 2225 Central Office - Digital Switching Software Unit 5 yrs
2227 Equal Access Software Unit 10 yrs
2215-23 Other Circuit Unit 10 yrs
2215-21 Toll Carrier   2001
2215-22/24 Central Office - Fibre Optics   2004
2312, 2313, 2314 Telephone Sets Unit 5 yrs
2321, 2410, 2421-64, 2423-80, 2430 Copper Cable and Station Connections Unit 17 yrs
2421-65,2421-81 Fibre Cable Unit 16 yrs
2610 Furniture & Office Equipment Unit 15 yrs
2641-40 Vehicles Unit 6 yrs
2641-50 Tools & Test Sets Unit 5 yrs
2228, 2229 Internet Unit 5 yrs
AYFR: Average Year of Final Retirement
ASL: Average Service Life
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