Telecom Order
Ottawa, 16 September 1997
Telecom Order CRTC 97-1332
On 9 September 1996, Bell Canada filed, on behalf of the federally regulated members of Stentor Canadian Network Management (SCNM), an application for approval of the SCNM Connecting Agreement (the Agreement).
File No.: 8340-S1-01/37
(formerly 3839.819.3)
1. On 30 September 1996, fONOROLA Inc. (fONOROLA) filed comments proposing that it be extended the same terms and conditions of the Agreement.
2. SCNM responded by letter dated 22 October 1996 stating that it was not appropriate to have such a revenue settlement arrangement between competitors relating to competitive services.
3. On 18 December 1996, the Agreement received interim approval under Telecom Order CRTC 96-1487 with an effective date of 1 January 1997.
4. By letter dated 11 February 1997, the Commission posed interrogatories to Bell Canada (Bell). Bell provided a response on 13 March 1997 on behalf of SCNM.
5. The Commission finds Stentor's position regarding fONOROLA's request to be reasonable and approves the Agreement on a final basis.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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