ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 97-220
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Decision |
Ottawa, 23 May 1997
Decision CRTC 97-220
Vidéotron ltée
Saint-Félicien, Quebec - 199610514
Licence renewal
1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1996-154 dated 13 December 1996, the Commission renews the Class 2 licence held by Vidéotron ltée, for the cable distribution undertaking serving Saint-Félicien, from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004.
2. The operation of this undertaking is regulated pursuant to Parts I, II and IV of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) and the licence will be subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
3. In addition to the services required or authorized to be distributed pursuant to the applicable sections of the regulations, the licensee is authorized, by condition of licence, to continue to distribute, at its option, WXYZ-TV (ABC), WDIV (NBC) and WTVS (PBS) Detroit, Michigan, as well as WTOL-TV (CBS) Toledo, Ohio, received via satellite from CANCOM, as part of the basic service.
4. As part of its licence renewal application, the licensee proposed to continue to distribute CBFT (SRC) Montréal, received via satellite. An intervention was submitted by Radio Saguenay ltée, licensee of CKRS-TV Jonquière, opposing the distribution of this service. The intervener, an affiliate of the CBC, noted that CKRS-TV broadcasts more than 95% of the CBC's programming schedule and has a mandate to make the CBC's French-language programming available throughout the Saguenay/Lac-St-Jean region.
5. In its intervention, the CBC recognized the concerns of Radio Saguenay ltée and confirmed that it would not renew its agreement with Vidéotron ltée allowing distribution of CBFT.
6. Carriage of the CBC English-language and French-language satellite television services is authorized only if a licensee has entered into the necessary contractual arrangements with the CBC. In view of the above, the licensee must cease distribution of CBFT when its agreement with the CBC expires.
7. It is a condition of licence that, for community programming and any other programming of a service that it originates, the licensee adhere to the guidelines on the depiction of violence in television programming set out in the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' "Voluntary Code Regarding Violence in Television Programming", as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission.
8. The Commission notes that this licensee is subject to the Employment Equity Act that came into effect on 24 October 1996 (1996 EEA), and therefore files reports concerning employment equity with Human Resources Development Canada. As a result of a consequential amendment to the Broadcasting Act, the Commission no longer has the authority to apply its employment equity policy to any undertaking that is subject to the 1996 EEA.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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