ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 1996-31
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Public Notice |
Ottawa, 7 March 1996
Public Notice CRTC 1996-31
Attached to this Public Notice are revised lists of "Part II Eligible Satellite Services" (Part II list), "Part III Eligible Canadian Satellite Services" (Part III Canadian list), and "Part III Eligible non-Canadian Satellite Services" (Part III non-Canadian list). These lists supersede the lists appended to Public Notice CRTC 1995-189 dated 6 November 1995.
The Part II list (Appendix A) contains satellite services authorized for distribution by licensees holding a Class 1 licence, or a Class 2 licence for an undertaking that has between 2,000 and 6,000 subscribers.
The Part III Canadian and non-Canadian lists (Appendix B) contain satellite services authorized for distribution by licensees holding a Part III licence or licen-sees holding a Class 2 licence for an undertaking that has fewer than 2,000 subscribers.
Addition of signals delivered by Cancom
In Decision CRTC 96-76 of today's date, the Commission approved applications by Canadian Satellite Com-munications Inc. (Cancom) to add WHDH (NBC) Boston, Massachusetts to the list of signals that it
is authorized to distribute, and to replace KIRO-TV Seattle with KSTW (CBS) Tacoma, Washington on that list. |
In order to authorize the distribution of WHDH and KSTW by Class 1 licensees and Class 2 licensees that have between 2,000 and 6,000 subscribers, on a discretionary tier, and by Part III licensees and Class 2 licensees with fewer than 2,000 subscribers, either as part of the basic service or on a discretionary tier, these signals have been added to the Part II list and the Part III Canadian list.
Audio programming services
In Decisions CRTC 95-911, 95-912, 95-913 and 95-914 dated 20 December 1995, the Commission approved four applications for broadcasting licences to carry on pay audio programming undertakings.
In order to authorize the distribution of these services by Class 1 licensees and Class 2 licensees that have between 2,000 and 6,000 subscribers, and by Part III licensees and Class 2 licensees with fewer than 2,000 subscribers, the Part II list and Part III Canadian list have been amended to include licensed pay audio programming undertakings.
The Commission reminds Class 1 licensees and Class 2 licensees that have between 2,000 and 6,000 subscribers that these pay audio programming undertakings may not be used for linkage purposes for the distribution of any non-Canadian eligible satellite services.
The attached lists have been amended to reflect the changes announced herein. |
Allan J. Darling Secretary General |
(Cable Television Regulations, 1986, section 10)
A) Learning and Skills Television of Alberta (formerly Access Network)
Radio Québec TVOntario Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network) Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN) Television Northern Canada (TVNC) CBC English-language Television Service/Service de télévision de langue anglaise de la SRC CBC French-language Television Service/Service de télévision de langue française de la SRC WDIV Detroit/WHDH Boston/KING-TV Seattle/KARE-TV Minneapolis NBC* WTVS Detroit/WGBH-TV Boston/KCTS-TV Seattle PBS* WTOL-TV Toledo/WBZ-TV Boston/KSTW Tacoma/ WCCO-TV Minneapolis CBS* WXYZ-TV Detroit/WCBV-TV Boston/KOMO-TV Seattle ABC* WUHF-TV Rochester FOX* Cable News Network (CNN) CNN Headline News (CNN-2) The Nashville Network (TNN) The Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E) CNBC/FNN** The Weather Channel (TWC) Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span) The Silent Network The Learning Channel Licensed pay audio programming undertaking(s)/ Entreprise(s) de programmation sonore payante autorisée(s)*** |
* Received from Cancom
** Pursuant to CRTC Circular Letter No. 377 dated 5 June 1991, licensees are authorized to distribute only the 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (ET) Monday to Friday programming component of CNBC/FNN.
*** A pay audio programming undertaking may not be used for linkage purposes for the distribution of any non-Canadian eligible satellite services.
B) WTBS Atlanta WGN-TV Chicago WWOR-TV New York City WPIX New York City WSBK-TV Boston KTLA Los Angeles Black Entertainment Television (BET) Lifeti me Television Comedy Central |
Authorization for the above-noted services is subject to the following:
- W hen this list of Part II Eli-gible Satellite Services is replaced by another list of Part II Eligible Satellite Services, the only authorized services will be those contained in the most recent list; accordingly, this list supersedes the list dated 6 November 1995.
- In the case of Cancom signals, ASN, the CBC English- and French-language Television Ser-vices and U.S. satellite services, licensees are required to enter into the necessary con-tractual arrangements for such carriage.
- Licensees that distribute a PBS signal received at the local head end by terrestrial transmission may distribute one PBS service received from Cancom. All other licensees may distribute a maximum of two PBS services received from Cancom. Licensees may not distribute a duplicate signal of a commercial U.S. network, received from Cancom, unless otherwise authorized pursuant to a condition of licence.
Date of issue: 7 March 1996
(Cable Television Regulations, l986, section 24)
Part III Eligible Canadian Satellite Services
Learning and Skills Television of Alberta (formerly Access Network)
Radio Québec TVOntario Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network) Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN) Television Northern Canada (TVNC) CBC English-language Television Service/Service de télévision de langue anglaise de la SRC CBC French-language Television Service/Service de télévision de langue française de la SRC CHCH-TV Hamilton IND* CFTM-TV Montréal TVA* CITV-TV Edmonton IND* CHAN-TV Vancouver CTV* CFCF-TV Montréal CTV* CITY-TV Toronto IND* CFMT-TV Toronto IND* CFJP-TV Montréal TQS* WDIV Detroit/WHDH Boston/KING-TV Seattle/KARE-TV Minneapolis NBC* WTVS Detroit/WGBH-TV Boston/KCTS-TV Seattle PBS* WTOL-TV Toledo/WBZ-TV Boston/KSTW Tacoma / WCCO-TV Minneapolis CBS* WXYZ-TV Detroit/WCBV-TV Boston/KOMO-TV Seattle ABC* WUHF-TV Rochester FOX* Licensed pay audio programming undertaking(s)/ Entreprise(s) de programmation sonore payante autorisée(s) |
* Received from Cancom
Part III Eligible non-Canadian Satellite Services
WTBS Atlanta
WGN-TV Chicago WWOR-TV New York City WPIX New York City WSBK-TV Boston KTLA Los Angeles Cable News Network (CNN) CNN Headline News (CNN-2) The Nashville Network (TNN) The Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E) CNBC/FNN** The Weather Channel (TWC) Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span) The Silent Network The Learning Channel Black Entertainment Television (BET) Lifetime Television Comedy Central |
** Pursuant to CRTC Circular Letter No. 377 dated 5 June 1991, licensees are authorized to dis-tribute only the 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (ET) Monday to Friday programming component of CNBC/FNN.
Authorization for the above-noted services is subject to the following:
- W hen these lists of Part III Eligible Satellite Services are replaced by other lists of Part III Eligible Satellite Services, the only authorized services will be those contained in the most recent lists; accordingly, these lists supersede the list of Part III Eligible Canadian Satellite Services and the list of Part III Eligible non-Canadian Satellite Services dated 6 November 1995.
- In the case of out-of-province educational services, there should be no objection on the part of the originating service. |
- In the case of Cancom signals, ASN, and the CBC English- and French-language Television Services, licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for such carriage.
- In the case of CFTM-TV, CFCF-TV and CHAN-TV, a licensee also distributing the signal of a local TVA/CTV affiliate shall delete the duplicate programming from the Cancom services or substitute the local service(s) when the programming is identical.
- Licensees that distribute a PBS signal received at the local head end by terrestrial transmission may distribute one PBS service received from Cancom. All other licensees may distribute a maxi-mum of two PBS services received from Cancom. Licensees may not distribute a duplicate signal of a commercial U.S. network, received from Cancom, unless otherwise authorized pursuant to a condition of licence.
Date of Issue: 7 March 1996
- Date modified: