ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 96-687

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 28 June 1996
Telecom Order CRTC 96-687
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Bell Canada (Bell) under Tariff Notice 5723 dated 11 March 1996 (TN 5723), as modified by Tariff Notice 5723A dated 4 April 1996 (TN 5723A), proposing revisions to the Company's Cellular Access Service tariff for the provision of trunk-side access and Common Channel Signalling #7 (CCS7) to Cellular Service Operators (CSOs);
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Bell under Tariff Notice 5753 dated 1 May 1996 (TN 5753), proposing revisions to the Company's Special Facilities Tariff for the provision of trunk-side access and CCS7 signalling to Personal Communications Services (PCS) carriers.
WHEREAS Bell stated in TN 5753 that the functionality to provide PCS Access is the same as that which is required to provide CSOs with trunk-side interconnection using CCS7 signalling, and that the rate elements used in TN 5753 are consistent with the rate elements proposed in TN 5723;
WHEREAS Bell stated that the interconnection arrangements proposed under TN 5723 and TN 5753, as well as many aspects of local exchange competition are currently being addressed by the Commission through the Implementation of Regulatory Framework - Local Interconnections and Network Component Unbundling, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-36 (PN 95-36), and that Bell is prepared to provide these tariff arrangements on an interim basis prior to the Commission's decision in the PN 95-36 proceeding;
WHEREAS Bell proposed to apply a local contribution charge consistent with its proposal in the PN 95-36 proceeding;
WHEREAS Bell proposed a one-time charge per block of 1000 numbers for Central Office (CO) switch translations as well as a monthly rate for ongoing administrative and network costs specific to 1000 block routing;
WHEREAS Bell requested that the proposed tariffs be approved for an effective date of 1 July 1996;
WHEREAS comments were received from Rogers Cantel Inc. (Cantel), Clearnet Communications Inc. (Clearnet), MicroCell Telecommunications Inc. (MicroCell), Unitel Communications Company (Unitel) and AIReach Integrated Network Ltd. (AIReach);
WHEREAS interveners questioned the appropriateness of certain elements of the proposed tariff revisions;
WHEREAS Cantel, MicroCell and Clearnet submitted that the local contribution charge be rejected;
WHEREAS most interveners opposed Bell's proposal that the provision of 1000 block
routing be restricted only to blocks of 1000 numbers which are in existence as of the effective date of the tariff;
WHEREAS Clearnet submitted that there should be no charge for ongoing network and administrative activities pertaining to 1000 block routing;
WHEREAS several interveners requested bi-directional exchange of traffic;
WHEREAS Cantel and Clearnet submitted that Bell should also be required to provide for the routing, on a trunk-side basis, of cellular-originated long distance traffic, and for the transiting of local traffic that neither originates nor terminates on the Bell network;
WHEREAS interveners submitted that they should not be subject to terms and conditions proposed by Stentor in the PN 95-36 proceeding, even on an interim basis, in order to obtain CCS7 interconnection;
WHEREAS Cantel submitted that acceptance of terms and conditions proposed by Stentor in the PN 95-36 proceeding represents a radical change in the regulatory regime for cellular interconnection;
WHEREAS Cantel submitted that as an interim measure, the existing cellular access tariffs should be used, supplemented by a tariff pertaining to CSS7 interconnection, and proposed a draft tariff amendment to that effect;
WHEREAS Clearnet proposed two possible interim tariff amendments which included
numbering rates and terms derived from a combination of the existing and proposed Bell tariffs;
WHEREAS MicroCell submitted that the Commission approve TN 5753 with certain modifications;
WHEREAS Unitel submitted that an increase in the Utility shortfall should not be permitted;
WHEREAS Unitel submitted that Bell has not provided the necessary cost justification for approval of these rates;
WHEREAS Unitel submitted that TN 5723 should be denied;
WHEREAS several interveners submitted that tariffs for at least CSS7 interconnection arrangements should be effective no later than 1 July 1996 on an interim basis;
WHEREAS Bell filed reply comments;
WHEREAS Bell stated that the proposed interconnection necessitates a fundamental change to existing interconnection arrangements from line-side to trunk-side;
WHEREAS Bell indicated that in the event the Commission considers it inappropriate to apply local contribution, a monthly charge of $0.70 per working trunk-side telephone number would be required to offset the ensuing revenue shortfall;
WHEREAS Bell indicated that revenues associated with trunk-side cellular interconnection under the proposed TN 5723 tariff arrangements would fall short of revenues associated with comparable line-side cellular connection under the existing tariff by an amount equivalent to a monthly charge of $0.40 per working trunk-side telephone number;
WHEREAS Bell stated that the routing on a trunk-side basis, of cellular originated long distance traffic is currently not possible and would require considerable operational, development and deployment costs, effort and time;
WHEREAS Bell submitted that it is willing to consider on a business case basis the economic feasibility and terms and conditions for routing by the cellular companies of transiting traffic via trunk-side access;
WHEREAS the Commission notes that many of the elements in the proposed tariffs are currently under consideration in the proceeding initiated by PN 95-36;
WHEREAS the Commission considers that it is not appropriate to adopt, on an interim basis, a change in the regulatory regime for cellular interconnection, as reflected by the tariffs proposed by Bell, pending the disposition of the matters in the PN 95-36 proceeding;
WHEREAS the Commission considers it is in the public interest for CCS7 interconnection to be made available to CSOs and PCS carriers on an interim basis, effective 1 July 1996, prior to the Commission's decision in the PN 95-36 proceeding;
WHEREAS the Commission notes that the current interconnection tariffs provide for
bi-directional exchange of traffic and transiting;
WHEREAS the Commission considers at this time that the provision of 1000 block routing should not be restricted to blocks of 1000 numbers in existence as of the effective date of the tariff, but should continue to be made available without restrictions;
WHEREAS the Commission considers that, without prejudice to the disposition of the matters in the PN 95-36 proceeding, the most appropriate interim regime for cellular interconnection should be based on the existing cellular access tariffs, together with CSS7 interconnection tariffs as reflected in Bell's proposed tariffs, as modified by the draft tariff amendment proposed by Cantel in Annex IV of its submission of 10 April 1996;
WHEREAS the Commission notes that the network charges in the current interconnection tariffs are to apply for bi-directional exchange of traffic and transiting;
WHEREAS the Commission considers that it is appropriate to apply, at this time, the same regime for PCS interconnection, including access on a line-side basis to services such as 9-1-1 service, Relay service, directory assistance and other operator services; and
WHEREAS the Commission notes that under this interim regime, the routing on a trunk-side basis of cellular and PCS originated long distance traffic and access, on a trunk-side basis to services such as Relay service, directory assistance and other operator services, will not be available at this time -
1. Tariff Notices 5723, 5723A and 5753 are deferred pending the disposition of the matters in the PN 95-36 proceeding.
2. Bell is directed to amend the existing cellular access tariffs by: (a) incorporating the changes set out in the Attachment, with modifications, as required, for PCS interconnection; and (b) providing that the same services, such as 9-1-1, Relay and operator services, are to be made available to PCS carriers, on the same terms and conditions, as are available to CSOs on a line-side basis.
3. Except for the cellular access rates which were made interim pursuant to the Commission's letter of 6 June 1996, the existing cellular access tariffs, as modified by 2 above, are hereby made interim, effective 1 July 1996.
4. Bell is directed to issue and serve on interveners forthwith, revised tariff pages incorporating 2 and 3 above.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

Special Facilities Tariff Item G-250.
1.  Insert "either on a line-side or a trunk-side basis" at the end of the first sentence of paragraph (a) to read:
(a) This  arrangement provides the central-office equipment and facilities necessary for the interconnection of a Cellular Service Operator's licensed cellular mobile radio service with the Company's public switched telephone network either on a line-side or a trunk-side basis.
2.  Insert "for line-side interconnection and network and CCS7 signalling charges in (5) and (6) following for trunk-side interconnection" at the end of the second paragraph of (a)(3) to read:
(3) A digital  Access Channel is provided over a facility derived from Megaroute service (General Tariff Item 5020). Such a system provides 24 digital access channels between a DMS-100 serving wire centre and a mutually agreed upon point of interconnection.
For each digital  Access Channel, the monthly rate, service charge and construction charge applicable for each customer termination are as shown below, in addition to the Link and Network charges identified in (4) and (5) following for line-side interconnection and network and CCS7 Signalling charges in (5) and (6) following for trunk-side interconnection:
3. Incorporate the following items into the existing tariffs as indicated:
(a)(6) CCS7  Signalling Interconnection
The CCS7  Interconnection service will provide CSOs using trunk-side interconnection with the ability to interconnect their own CCS7 signalling network with the Stentor CCS7 signalling network in order to exchange the ISUP signalling information necessary to support the completion of calls between the two networks. The following rates and charges are applicable in addition to those applicable for interconnection for traffic termination.
(a)(6)a. CSO  STP to a Stentor gateway STP multiples of 4 links, each link
[Monthly Rate $1611 .05]
(a)(6)b.  Digital transport facilities between a CSO STP and a Stentor gateway STP are provided at the rates and charges specified in National Services Tariff Item No. 302.
(a)(6)c.  Transport of CCS7 messages between the Stentor gateway STPs and the Stentor Company switches to which the CSO has obtained Trunk-side Interconnection,
1. up to 12  trunks, per trunk $0.13 Monthly Rate
2. up to 24  trunks, per trunk 0.23 Monthly Rate
3. up to 36  trunks, per trunk 0.27 Monthly Rate
4. up to 48  trunks, per trunk 0.29 Monthly Rate
5. up to 60  trunks, per trunk 0.31 Monthly Rate
6. up to 72  trunks, per trunk 0.32 Monthly Rate
7. up to 84  trunks, per trunk 0.33 Monthly Rate
8. up to 96  trunks, per trunk 0.33 Monthly Rate
9. more than  96 trunks, per trunk 0.34 Monthly Rate
(a)(6)d.  Administration.
The charge  specified below applies to the initial engineering, planning, and testing activities associated with a CSO's initial request to develop network interfaces and to implement CCS7 network interconnection arrangements. The activities include engineering, operations and translations work required to provision initial CCS7 Interconnection for CSO STP to Stentor gateway STP connection.
[Service Charge of  $78,500.00]
(a)(7)a. CO  Code Administration
The service charge  to recover the initial CO switch translation costs specified below applies per block of 1,000 numbers where 1,000 Block Routing is requested.
[Service Charge of  $66.75]
(a)(7)b. CSO  requests for the transfer of the CSO CO Code from a Company switch to the CSO switch will be provided as per the Company's Special Facilities Tariffs.

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