ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 96-123

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 13 February 1996
Telecom Order CRTC 96-123
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Maritime Tel & Tel (MT&T) under Tariff Notice 578 dated 20 December 1995, for approval of tariff revisions, to be effective 1 September 1996, providing for the transfer to subscribers of responsibility for the installation and maintenance of single-line inside wiring.
WHEREAS MT&T indicated that a subscriber communications program would be filed with the Commission within one month of approval of the proposed tariff revisions;
WHEREAS MT&T indicated that a wiring guide would be made available to subscribers no later than the effective date of the proposed tariff revisions;
WHEREAS MT&T would continue to provide trouble diagnosis and repair of single-line inside wire free of charge until a jack-ended demarcation device is installed at the subscriber's premises, which would allow the subscriber to determine whether the trouble originates from the company's side of the demarcation device or the subscriber's side;
WHEREAS, for subscribers whose telephone sets are hard wired, MT&T would continue to provide inside wire maintenance free of charge until these connections are converted to jacks by MT&T on the next occasion that the company makes a service call at the premises;
WHEREAS MT&T's proposal is consistent with the regulatory policy established in BC TEL and Bell Canada - Transfer of Inside Wire to Premises Owners and Introduction of Lineguard Service, Telecom Decision CRTC 94-2, 2 February 1994;
WHEREAS the Commission is of the view that the tariff revisions should clearly state the subscribers' authority, following the transfer of responsibility, to make installations, moves, rearrangements and repairs themselves, have the work completed by an independent contractor, or request the service from the company; and
WHEREAS the Commission will make a final determination after comments received in response to its Public Notice on this matter have been considered -
The proposed tariff revisions are given interim approval subject to the following requirements:
1. The company shall file its subscriber communications program plan for approval of the Commission within 30 days of the date of this Order.
2. The Commission expects the wiring guide to reference relevant building and electrical codes and the Canadian Standards Association standards underpinning the guide.
3. Item 3230 of MT&T's proposed tariff revisions is to be modified to make clear the subscribers' authority to make installations, moves, rearrangements and repairs to single-line inside wire themselves, have the work completed by an independent contractor, or request the company to perform the work.
4. The modification to tariff Item 3230 is to be filed for approval of the Commission together with item 1 above.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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