ARCHIVED -  Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-45

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Telecom Public Notice

Ottawa, 13 October 1995
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-45
By letter dated 15 September 1995, Sprint Canada Inc. (Sprint) requested that the Commission re-examine its treatment of proposed tariff revisions relating to promotion campaigns filed either by Stentor Resource Centre Inc. (Stentor) or its member companies.
Sprint, as well as a number of other Alternate Providers of Long Distance Services, have argued in the past that Stentor promotional offerings are offered with such frequency and for such cumulative duration as to make it impossible to determine whether they are anti-competitive, particularly in light of the fact that an imputation test is not required to be filed in support of them.
By letter dated 25 September 1995, the Commission requested that Stentor, Bell Canada (Bell) and AGT Limited (AGT) reply to Sprint's comments, with particular reference to AGT Tariff Notice 674, Bell Tariff Notice 5561 and Stentor Tariff Notices 193 and 196, all of which relate to promotional campaigns proposed by the companies for their competitive toll services.
In addition, the Commission requested that AGT, Bell and Stentor provide their views, with justifications, on establishing criteria which would delineate legitimate promotions. In particular, Stentor and the companies were requested to address, at a minimum, the following parameters:
(a) the total duration including extension;
(b) the minimum interval permitted between identical promotions in the event that the criterion in
(a) was adopted;
(c) the size of the target market;
(d) whether the promotion is a competitive response to an identical program of a competitor;
(e) the number of promotions that can simultaneously be offered in a particular market segment; and
(f) the number or total duration of promotions that can be offered within a given year in a particular market segment.
On 25 September 1995, Sprint requested that the Commission initiate a public process in order that interested parties might participate in its consideration of the issues associated with promotional campaigns. By letters dated 28 September 1995, AGT, Bell and Stentor responded to the comments submitted by Sprint, in its 15 September 1995 letter, and indicated that they would respond to the Commission's request for additional comments by 25 October 1995.
The Commission invites comment on establishing criteria that would delineate legitimate promotions.
1. AGT, BC TEL, Bell, The Island Telephone Company Limited, Manitoba Telephone System, Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, The New Brunswick Telephone Company Limited, Newfoundland Telephone Company Limited and Stentor (the Stentor companies) are made parties to this proceeding.
2. The Stentor companies (or Stentor on their behalf) are to file their comments addressing, at a minimum the criteria set out above by 25 October 1995. Copies of their submissions may be obtained on that date upon request directed to Mrs. Catherine R. Cooper, Director - Tariffs, Stentor Resource Centre Inc., Document Control & Distribution Centre, Floor 22, 160 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3J4, fax: (613) 781-3514.
3. Persons wishing to comment on the companies' responses to the Commission's letter dated 25 September 1995 (interveners) may do so by writing to Mr. Allan J. Darling, Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2, fax: (819) 953-0795, by 15 November 1995. Copies of any comments are to be served on the Stentor companies (or Stentor on their behalf) at the address noted above by the same date.
4. The Stentor companies (or Stentor on their behalf) may file a reply to any comments, serving copies on interveners, by 27 November 1995.
5. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely mailed, by that date.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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