ARCHIVED -  Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-17

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Telecom Public Notice

Ottawa, 7 April 1995
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 95-17
Québec Téléphone Tariff Notices 26 and 42
Sogetel Tariff Notices 11 and 11A
Guèvremont Tariff Notice 3
The Commission has received applications from Québec-Téléphone, Sogetel Inc. and Téléphone Guèvremont Inc. for approval of tariff revisions for the provision of 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting Service (9-1-1 PERS) to municipalities in their respective territories.
In association with the Tariff Notices, the companies filed for approval proposed standard agreements between themselves and participating municipalities and/or municipal associations regarding (1) the provision of 9-1-1 PERS, and (2) the billing and collection arrangements whereby the companies would collect, on behalf of the municipalities, costs incurred by the municipalities relating to their participation in the provision of 9-1-1 emergency response. The proposed Tariff Notices and agreements also contain terms and conditions which, among other things, set out each party's liability in the provision of 9-1-1 PERS.
The Commission considers the introduction of 9-1-1 PERS in the territories served by the independent telephone companies in Quebec to be in the public interest. Accordingly, the Commission has given the proposed tariff revisions and standard agreements interim approval, with certain modifications (see Telecom Order CRTC 95-323, Telecom Order CRTC 95-324, Telecom Order CRTC 95-325, Telecom Order CRTC 95-327, all dated 17 March 1995, and associated Errata, dated 7 April 1995).
The Commission invites municipalities and/or municipal associations, as well as other interested parties, to comment on the terms and conditions included in the proposed tariff revisions and standard agreements, as modified by the Commission. The Commission notes that the agreements ultimately approved will serve as benchmarks for future 9-1-1 PERS filings from Quebec independent telephone companies.
The Commission notes that Article 2.2 of Québec-Téléphone's 9-1-1 PERS Agreement identifies ID-0014 as the specific standard for the terminal equipment to be used by the Central Emergency Response Bureau. The Commission seeks comment from Québec-Téléphone and from other interested parties on the ID-0014 standard and the appropriateness of its use.
Each company's application may be examined at any of its business offices or at the offices of the CRTC, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudière, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room 201, Hull, Quebec, or Place Montréal Trust, 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 1920, Montréal, Quebec.
A copy of each company's application may be obtained by any interested person upon request directed to the company in question at the address noted below:
Mr. Daniel Bénéteau
Director, Regulatory Affairs
6 Jules-A-Brillant
Rimouski, Québec
G5L 7E4
Fax: (418) 722-4502
Mr. Augustin Guèvremont
Téléphone Guèvremont Inc.
885 Marquette
C.P. 360
Sainte-Rosalie-de-Bagot, Québec
J0X 1X0
Fax: (514) 799-1616
Me Louise Bégin
Sogetel Inc.
111 du 12-Novembre
P.O. Box 1150
Nicolet, Québec
J0G 1E0
Fax: (819) 293-6120
If you wish to comment on any of the applications, please write to Mr. Allan J. Darling, Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2, fax: 819-953-0795, by 8 May 1995. A copy of your letter should be sent to the company in question at the address noted above. The Commission will make a final determination with regard to the proposed tariff revisions and related agreements after comments received in response to this Public Notice have been considered.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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