ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 95-1236

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 9 November 1995
Telecom Order CRTC 95-1236
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Teleglobe Canada Inc. (Teleglobe) under Tariff Notice 419 dated 1 September 1995, for approval of changes to the Globeaccess Discount Plan providing rate reductions for traffic to 36 destinations, including 32 new destinations.
WHEREAS, under letter dated 28 September 1995, ACC Long Distance Inc. (ACC) submitted comments alleging that the 1.8 million minutes per month required to qualify for the rates offered under the Globeaccess Discount Plan would exclude numerous service providers, thereby providing an unreasonable advantage to those who are eligible for the service;
WHEREAS ACC submitted that if the proposal is approved it may inhibit the development of competition in the international marketplace;
WHEREAS under letter dated 6 October 1995 Teleglobe replied to ACC's intervention;
WHEREAS Teleglobe indicated that three of its five Globeaccess customers currently qualify for the Discount Plan and that it believes the two remaining customers could also qualify if they ceased choosing alternative routing arrangements for their international traffic;
WHEREAS Teleglobe submitted that its application is intended to repatriate traffic; and
WHEREAS in light of the comments received, the replies thereto and all the information received -
Tariff Notice 419 is approved.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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