ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 95-73
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Decision |
Ottawa, 1 March 1995
Decision CRTC 95-73
Grasslands FM
Swift Current, Saskatchewan - 940229800
Change in music format and level of hits - Denied
Following Public Notice CRTC 1994-103 dated 19 August 1994, the Commission denies the application to amend the licence for CIMG-FM Swift Current, by changing the music format from Group I (Pop, Rock and Dance) to Group II (Country) and by increasing the weekly level of hits from 49% to 80%.
The Commission has taken into account the poor financial situation of the licensee, and its arguments that these amendments could result in a more profitable operation of CIMG-FM. The Commission is, however, concerned with the documented and repeated instances of non-compliance by the licensee with respect to the regulations regarding logger tapes. It notes the 1990 and 1992 short-term renewals resulting from non-compliance situations, and the continued non-compliance during the current licence term. This issue will be appraised further by the Commission in the context of the renewal of the station's licence due to expire 31 August 1995.
The Commission considers that a station's compliance with established policy requirements and regulations is fundamental when assessing the merits of any amendment request. Accordingly, in view of the licensee's repeated instances of non-compliance, the licence amendments proposed for CIMG-FM are denied.
The Commission acknowledges the two interventions submitted regarding this application.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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