ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 95-632
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Decision |
Ottawa, 28 August 1995
Decision CRTC 95-632
Atlantic Region
Administrative renewals
For administrative reasons, the Commission renews the licences for the radiocommunication distribution undertakings listed below from 1 September 1995 to 31 December 1995, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.
Licensee/ Location/
Titulaire Endroit |
New Brunswick/(Nouveau-Brunswick)
Grand Lake T.V. Limited Jemseg
Nova Scotia/(Nouvelle-Écosse)
Tancook Island Television Blandford, Blue Rocks and
System Limited surrounding area/et la région avoisinante |
Cross Country T.V. Limited Canning and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
Kennetcook Cable Vision Limited Kennetcook
C.K.O. Cablevision Limited Mavillette
Rural STV 1 Limited Tracadie and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
North Nova Cable Limited Wallace
Prince Edward Island/(Île-du-Prince-Édouard)
Island Cablevision Ltd. Elmsdale and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
Island Cablevision Ltd. Glen Valley and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
Island Cablevision Ltd. Harmony Junction and surrounding areas/et les régions
avoisinantes |
Island Cablevision Ltd. Montague and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
Island Cablevision Ltd. Rocky Point and surrounding areas/et les régions avoisinantes
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General |
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