ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 95-549

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Ottawa, 11 August 1995

Decision CRTC 95-549

Various locations in Ontario

Telemedia Communications Ontario Inc.

Administrative renewals

For administrative reasons, the Commission renews the licences for the radiocommunication distribution undertakings listed below from 1 September 1995 to 31 August 1996, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.



Fred Meekis, Deer Lake

Aimé Bouchard, Pays Plat

Local Service Board of Oba, Oba

Sandy Yellowhead, Summer Beaver

Vernon Morris, Muskrat Dam

Luke Rae, North Spirit Lake

Mesamikweesh Radio Station, Kingfisher Lake

Bi-May-Chi-Ka-Mah Radio Station, Slate Falls

Mundo Petapeck Communications Society, Fort Albany

Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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