ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 95-250

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Ottawa, 24 May 1995
Decision CRTC 95-250
Streatch Communications Incorporated
Musquodoboit Valley and surrounding area, Nova Scotia - 940969900
Aquisition of assets and licence amendment
Following a Public Hearing held in Halifax beginning 4 April 1995, the Commission approves the application for authority to acquire the assets of, and for a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of, the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Musquodoboit Valley and surrounding area.
The Commission will issue a licence to Streatch Communications Incorporated, expiring 31 August 2002, upon surrender of the current licence issued to Musquodoboit Valley Quality Cable Vision Limited. The licence will be subject to the same conditions as those in effect under the current licence, as well as to any other condition specified in the licence to be issued.
The Commission notes that the transaction proposed within this application represents an intra-corporate reorganization that does not alter the control or management of the licensee.
The Commission also approves amendments to the broadcasting licence requested as part of this application, as set out below:
- by changing the distribution of the Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN) from channel 16 to channel 28 and The Sports Network (TSN) from channel 65 to channel 53;
- by adding the distribution, in encrypted mode, of the following signals:
WTBS (IND) Atlanta, Georgia 16
The Arts and Entertainment 14
Network (A&E)
WUHF-TV (FOX) Rochester, New York 24
The Nashville Network (TNN) 50
- and by changing the authorized Grade B contour.
In Public Notice CRTC 1992-59 the Commission announced implementation of its employment equity policy. It advised licensees that, at the time of licence renewal or upon considering applications for authority to transfer ownership or control, it would review with applicants their practices and plans to ensure equitable employment. In keeping with the Commission's policy, it encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General
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