ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 94-922

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Ottawa, 19 December 1994
Decision CRTC 94-922
Key Radio CFNY Limited (formerly Key Radio Limited)
Brampton, Ontario - 940968100

Reduction in Expenditures on Canadian Talent Development - Approved

Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 20 September 1994, the Commission approves the application by Key Radio CFNY Limited (formerly Key Radio Limited) to amend the licence for CFNY-FM Brampton, by amending the condition of licence with respect to Canadian talent development. The applicant requested authority to reduce the amount it is required to allocate to direct expenditures on Canadian talent development from $292,000 to $60,000 for the broadcast year ending 31 August 1995.
In Decision CRTC 94-157 dated 13 April 1994, the Commission renewed CFNY-FM's licence for administrative reasons from 1 September 1994 to 31 August 1995, under the same terms and conditions as the current licence. In submitting the present application, the applicant stated that because of this administrative renewal it was unable to request the planned reduction in its commitment to Canadian talent development.
In support of its request for authority to reduce its expenditures on Canadian talent development, Key Radio CFNY Limited submitted financial data indicating that CFNY-FM has been unprofitable over the past four years. The applicant also argued that its commitment to spend $60,000 annually on Canadian talent development is comparable to or higher than the average contributions made in this area by other stations with similar revenues. To substantiate its argument, the applicant pointed to a review of radio regulations and policies set out in Public Notice CRTC 1992-72 dated 2 November 1992 indicating that radio stations with revenues between $4 million and $7 million, on average, made contributions of $54,750 in annual direct expenditures on Canadian talent development.
The Commission is satisfied that the applicant's commitment to contribute $60,000 in the 1994/1995 broadcast year to Canadian talent development is commensurate with the contributions made by other stations with similar revenues. Moreover, the Commission notes that CFNY-FM will provide an additional $50,000 in indirect expenditures on Canadian talent development in that same broadcast year.
The Commission acknowledges the interventions submitted regarding this application and the applicant's responses thereto.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General
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